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Same here. I removed them from the "Tech" folder, though.

If you add enough ice that should solve the saltiness problem as well. (Possible side-effect: watery soup)

If anyone is really hating their kindle fire, I'll take it from them. No need to thank me. :D

That doesn't take into account the standard of living of Brazil and the UK.

You can, but you have to send them a callback function to your home address.

Thank you everybody for the replies!

I'm planning a 1900mi trip for next year. Anyone with experience with multi-day trips, is it better to drive as long as possible alternating drivers, or just rest when necessary?

I'll trade you a brand new Wifi hotspot for your Evo.

Probably their people have people to use the Internets for them...

It sure gets more pageviews than "Unbelievable 480 Frames Per Second Camera Captures Light in Motion"

The Incredible Old Soluto never worked right for me. It kept saying not enough people were using that application, or it was being analysed or something. Tried twice, twice fail.

I'm all for Shattering, myself. "Is you WP7 phone shattered?"

Welcome to Gizmodo.

Don't forget the mic, which some also consider a necessity.

I'm guessing you're on the minority. Probably most times google searches for an uncommon word, it's really a mispelling.

Maybe his company's policy forbids him to use anything except for IE6, and he doesn't want to lose his job?

I guess the people at Gizmodo have short memories.

When frost forms on my windows, I just change the desktop background to something warmer.

That would make it explode, according to many movies I have seen!