Never fear, HD cell phones are in the pipeline.
Never fear, HD cell phones are in the pipeline.
This is good generic advice, but the best thing to do is to try to understand your boss, and how he reacts to events. Then you can interact with him in such a way as to produce the best reaction.
@destryer: Maybe those are the 5% who know their job is important.
Interesting that "I love my job" and "I hate my job" are roughly equal (though "love" pulls quite a bit ahead if you add in "My job is important").
In Boy Scouts I learned to make leather laces by (carefully!) feeding the edge of a piece of leather into the space between a razor blade and a nail pounded into a plank. The lace was cut to the width of the distance between the blade and the nail. Seems like a similar rig would be easier than cutting the bottle…
My technique for choosing lines involves a quick judgement of the level of crazy of the people in line. Nothing slows a transaction down like crazy, and I will abandon my place in line at the slightest trace of it.
@timgray1: No doubt you respond to tips about bicycles by telling everyone that you have a car, and tips about Win7 by telling everyone you have a Mac.
Shut your car off at traffic lights, too. It takes a minuscule amount of gas to restart it, compared to what you burn sitting there.
Been waiting for this. Think about a panel on your roof that makes fuel for your car out of sunlight.
@thinkerer: Most people don't realize that in an emergency situation, every toilet has more than a gallon of clean water in the tank. If the water goes out in your neighborhood, DO NOT FLUSH!!!
I use a two by two priority matrix. The columns are vital and optional, the rows are immediately and later.
@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: Come, now, didn't you sense the ironic distancing produced by the "clever" use of "air" (or rather, "scare") quotes? There's a paradoxical rhetorical force produced by the juxtaposition of reflexive textual modes and the speedy dismissal of uncomfortable analysis that extends and illustrates the…
@LearnIIBurn: Cruiser with a freewheel. Fixies are a little too hip for me, plus I like to be able to hop curbs.
After reading the comments, maybe you'll understand why I prefer a tire iron to a pathetic little card.
You beat me to it. Good job.
@Derrick4Real: I I think I was the only person in the office who actually came up with a new password. Everyone else said they just changed the number at the beginning or end.
@zupobafono001: Yeah, wow. People are being told to change their passwords, and LH has an article about how to come up with a good password.
I had a job where I had to change my password every 45 days. Pain in the neck, so I came up with a good one, and just displaced it on the keyboard by a different amount when I had to change it until I ran out of keyboard.
@zupobafono001: No. I find it obvious good advice.
I left my wifi open because bandwidth is cheap. My computers are all firewalled, so poking around won't find anything.