
The crazy thing about these side effects is that some doctors will prescribe another drug to counter them, then another drug to counter the side effects of that one, instead of just trying to find the lowest effective dose of the original drug, or a better tolerated alternative. When my father was in intensive care,

I have to wonder at all the people who read Life HACKER who are so negative about someone actually HACKING something.

The police are going to laugh at you if you complain about a stolen snow shovel.

This is a good way to deaden an echoing space as well. My company had a lunchroom that was almost unusable due to its loud echoes, until we hung a few pieces of printed canvas on the walls.

@enlight10ment: 4 oz of Everclear in a can of Rockstar and you have a homebrew 4Loko.

Toaster Pizza (pizza fixings on an English muffin) was one of my staples back when I was living on a dollar a day. For some reason, I could always find English muffins on sale or with a double coupon that made them the cheapest bread product in the store. A few extra goodies like fresh mushrooms or kalamata olives

Old guy here. I started typing before most of you were born (I was in 6th grade), and only ever used a single space between sentences. But when I started using a word processor, I saw that the double space made reading easier, and began doing it.

@EUAN1337: Yeah, line breaks after every sentence are a lot more readable.

I used to work summers in Alaska, and one season my bags go lost, so for two weeks I had the clothes I was wearing plus another set of clothes that kind souls donated. I worked in the donated set and washed it every evening and wore the ones I'd flown in for socializing.

@Brian Wright: I stayed at a BnB that had advertised free wifi, but they didn't know how to work it, so they let me look around at the settings. The technician had set up their street address as the password...

Sorry, I had to secure my network because someone was hogging the bandwidth every evening after 8:30. Otherwise, I had no problem letting anyone who wanted in.

I don't know how legal this is, but try putting your car seat back in full recline, and sit up straight under your own power while driving.

You should have titled this "Use your PC as a space heater."

OK, now they did it right. This is perfect for those on-the-spot news shots.

@egoods: You've inspired me to act like a crazy person.

I've been doing an alternate day fast for about three months now, because I gained a disturbing amount of weight recently. My weight is down 10-15 lbs, and I'm hoping to lose another 15. One of the things I noticed is that I can't eat nearly as much on my eating days, I think because going hungry has caused my

The causal chain is backwards here. Non-arboreal life led to larger babies, not the other way around.

My wife went to China to inspect some merchandise being manufactured there, and was getting treated like a bimbo by the manufacturer's reps. She was complaining about it, and an expat told her that the Chinese don't think you're intelligent unless you wear glasses, so she went out and bought a pair of windowpane

@lewis82: I'd only heard about the 3G HD phones, that's interesting.

I used this technique to jack my grades up in college. I decided that I was not going to miss a single day of class, and carried it through. As the semester goes on, it becomes easier and easier to motivate myself to get to class because of my unbroken attendance, in contrast to how it had been in the past, where it