
@jinchoung: It's frustrating trying to explain something to people who don't want to understand, isn't it? I think you've explained it well enough that anyone who wanted to understand would by now.

@jinchoung: It's frustrating trying to explain something to people who don't want to understand, isn't it? I think you've explained it well enough that anyone who wanted to understand would by now.

@jinchoung: It's frustrating trying to explain something to people who don't want to understand, isn't it? I think you've explained it well enough that anyone who wanted to understand would by now.

I made a very nice starter from grape yeast, using this method:

@fadecomic: One bad apple spoils the whole bunch. I've encountered plenty of decent cops, but the problem is that they back up the bad ones no matter what, so the whole gang is no better than the worst one there.

@Peter Nincompoop: Common practice: cops decide you're the patsy, tell you everything about the case, then claim you knew too much to be innocent. It's especially dangerous if they ask you to hypothetically describe the crime, at that point it's guaranteed that they've decided to pin it on you.

The best way to lie is to develop an internally consistent set of false facts, and then stick to them...but not too close. In "The Lives of Others," the Stasi agent explains that when a person uses the same words over and over without variation, that shows that they worked it out in advance, and if two people use the

only sleep in your bed

@MarkC: OK if you like light roast...not for me. The best deal for caffeine at Starbucks is cold toddy. I suppose they could heat it for you if you asked.

@sk1d: Just don't forget to tip...can't do that with the card.

@battra92: The difference is motive. Tact is meant to keep you out of the doghouse, lying is meant to keep you out of the jailhouse.

@jaytee.foster: My phone has a passpattern on the lock screen. I don't know if it will survive a sim chip replacement, though.

You can recognize him by his rotting nose!

Here's another cute little one-sheeter, Gavin Atkin's Mouse.

@FrankReality: 12 volt tire-filler compressors are pretty cheap. Not high volume, though, so your rate of fire will be low.

I think some advice on how to avoid bad therapists would be good too. A friend of mine got sucked into a network of recovered memory quacks who handed him around between each other, and persuaded him that he was a danger to his own child without their expert intervention, because his parents had abused him (even

@LazyPanda: It's such a cliche, I can easily believe that it wouldn't take long to get that shot. I was thinking, though, you could set your camera on a tripod and just shoot every time you had someone pushing the tower in frame, then tile them all together to get a huge crowd of people all doing it together.