
@diasdiem: I don't care if that's real or shopped, it's exactly the kind of thing I would do.

@colinPKT: Get on with it, then. You're just wasting time now.

@Lintor: I'm assuming you aren't a 69-year-old woman. French construction is incredibly varied, too.

Miracle Mile is a great example, and it's such a perfect document of its era (the late '80s) as well.

On the one hand, there is high concept.

@ZZZYZZZ: I still have a translucent tangerine Handspring. It sure looks cool...

@pablofdzm: A very good sign that you don't want to work for them.

@Hand_O_Death: Most control collars behave exactly the same way. This is life in the control collar world: collars aren't perfect. It is a challenge for the collar industry, and we are all doing the best that we can.

Yeah. Early adopters rool. Now where can I get that servant gorilla?

@Ben R: I simply feel there's an expectation of realism in photojournalism.

@Zinger314: Pie charts are for percentages, and bar charts are for absolute magnitude. For example, say you have three years' budgets, and you want to compare the differing percentages that were devoted to certain areas. Three pie charts would show that quite quickly, whereas three bar charts would be more

That's a nice slide show, but if it was a live presentation it would suck, because the presenter would have no role in it.

@Ben R: If you think there's no processing on those gorgeous NatGeo photos, then you're very naive. Photographs aren't reality, they're a distorted depiction of a small part of reality, and published photos are a carefully chosen set of depictions.

@michaelgibbons: Actually, there was a web app on the NY Times last week [www.nytimes.com] that gave a variety of choices to solve the deficit. None of my choices involved screwing old people over, but they took care of the problem. Funny how a little cut in the defense budget goes an awful long way...but I guess

@michaelgibbons: A strong economy isn't built on consumption.

That Circuit City example is perfect. I went in expecting to find deals, and left with nothing. Went back later, and the suckers had bought everything, and the stuff that was left was still overpriced.

Gotta say, Garfield looks like he was drawn by Ditko.

@Ben R: all captured gorgeously in the best available fidelity.

@Fierock: They were better before everyone found out about them.