
@perry05: I suspect the fires are more likely caused by deep fryers.

This is a cute little rig, but there are two things I don't like about it. First is that the flame is invisible until the stove gets hot. The other is the danger of spilling. Spilled alcohol can catch fire invisibly.

@lespey: I wear boxer briefs, and I know they need to be replaced when the elastic won't hold my phone anymore.

@KamWrex: Not surprising, if they were a combo butcher-burger joint. No frozen pink hockey pucks dealt off a stack there, eh?

@aamadis: rancid meat and Simple Green

@NyQuilDreams: I have to say, you are a kind and generous person. Be careful you don't drift over into chump territory.

@KamWrex: Well, I choose my burger places by flavor, since I can't see into the kitchen (although I do bypass places where the trash area is filthy). McDonalds is a fail for me by the standard of flavor (except for the deep-fried pie sticks...mmm).

@shkm: I don't eat candy bars any more, but I clearly remember the choking sensation I would get from a 3 Musketeers. And yet I always ate another...

The whole charm of the McRib is its marketing, not its flavor. If you wanted a good pork sandwich without making it yourself, they are available in several places in any metro area.

@chris0089: Try cutting all dairy out of your diet for a few weeks. I accidentally discovered that it cleared my acne up when I was 17.

which is under constant scrutiny.

@JustinPM: If there was no one in the way, I'd have probably followed the cones, too, but when it started to block traffic I would have gone over the tape. It does seem like once the cones actually become a significant obstruction people started to go over them and when one person went over, others started to do it

@wætherman: You beat me to it. I was surprised, though, by how few people stepped over the tape. Is this actually New York?

I used to have a pair of spherical speakers. The drivers were just three inches across, but they had super clarity and presence compared to much larger speakers. I don't know if it was the shape of the enclosure or just luck in the choice of drivers. This looks like it's worth experimenting with...though I'd prefer

I guess things are so quiet in Doncaster the police and courts don't have any real crime to keep them busy.

Never use "Important! Respond immediately!" or the word "lottery" in your subject line. My spam filter dumps those before I can even see who sent them.

They do need a zombie muppet comic book. Or better yet, a movie.

I don't need no stinkin wheel. I use my fingers.