
Quite a switch of Batman's character for him to believe that anyone else can do the job. His major character flaw has always been his distrust of others. Get rid of that, and you don't have Batman any more. He's always regarded the other heroes more as tools than as peers.

I thought I was going to see Lost in Translation, but my girlfriend had gotten tickets for House of the Dead while I was looking at something shiny. When the credits started, I was surprised to see "Based on the video game," but assumed it was some sort of joke.

I thought for sure it was going to be a calculator.

@NorthernRoamer: Great item to have on you when you have to talk to the police.

@SophT: If you can handle AZ winters, you can handle an East Coast autumn. I recommend taking a north-south route, so the leaves change more and more as you go north. That way you can compress the whole experience of autumn into a few days of driving. I started in DC, where the trees were still green, and ended in

I grew up in Hawaii, and never experienced autumn. A couple of years ago I finally had a chance to road trip through Pennsylvania and New York in October, and it completely blew my mind. I know you all feel sorry for me stuck in the subtropics again.

@Duc: The better tasting parts of the coffee come out early in the brewing process. With more grounds, the nastier parts are left behind. Works best in a drip machine, a percolator will perk until you turn off the heat (but who uses percolators nowdays?).

@zippzom: I used to ride to work when it was 45 degrees, that was right on the thin edge of crazy for me.

@Mike Won: On the other hand, I could bike through Paris or London or Staten Island, even if it is a bit low res.

@bobkoure: A few ideas for feathering a savonius:

@triplethreat: It sounds like I don't care for liars. It isn't date rape if you're just disgusted with the person who led you on all night and don't want to have anything to do with them after that, and maybe suggest to them that they can sleep on the couch until they sober up and then GTF out.

@wastedlife: 15 g is about 0.4 jigger. Don't take much to kill ya.

@northeastthreat: It sounds like you're calling her a tease or something?

@Link2187: Gotta take care of the talent, you know. The smart sex workers know it's worth it to pay the premium to work indoors.

@Queenjulie: Actually, the gettin nekkid when she apparently had no intention of going any further makes her look even worse. The pube-averse kid wasn't much better, though. Too much porn, not enough RL.

I've always avoided jobs that involved things I love, because I don't want my hobby to turn into work. Hasn't slowed me down, there's always something interesting to do at any job, and if it's interesting, it's not hard to do well, and that gets you job security.

I had to give up on the comic because it was too intense for me. My gf loves it, though, so I expect I'll be suffering again on Sunday.

Christine O'Donnell at third base = fundy preacher with Rent Boy.