
@moe52: You can fool them by hiding it in your...umm...anal sphincter.

I had to take a polygraph test many years ago after a minor theft at work. I'd just taken a relaxation course that taught us to lower our GSR, and being the dick that I am, I spent the entire session pushing it down as far as I could. The interrogator didn't know what was going on, but he was suspicious and they

@Kemal Kautsar: We're the cool twins. Your dork twin has a ponytail, that's how you can spot him.

@badbob001: That's a good point. Microsd usually come with an adapter, too. Looks like I may be shopping soon.

Could have used this back in August. I was on vacation, ended up near a large fire, took some pictures, and called a friend who's a photo editor for a local paper. He was mad to get the pictures, but I couldn't find an internet cafe anywhere, couldn't get the pictures from my camera to my phone, and by the next day

The hardest part of delegating is providing feedback without micro-managing. Best way is to focus on results rather than methods, so your delegatee can figure out their own best way to do it, but you keep an eye on their results until they become satisfactory, maybe checking back with them at a designated interval

You have a girlfriend and a ponytail? Yeah, you're from some strange parallel universe, probably the one where everyone has a dork twin.

I separated my meatself from my cyberself something like twenty years ago after one of my Usenet friends got stalked and harassed. My meatname is nearly invisible on the Web, according to Google.

I faced this problem when I was living in the dorm in college. Someone would snag not just a bowlful, but the whole, untouched quart of my ice cream. After a couple of incidents, I started talking abut how my dad was a pharmacist, and had given me a tasteless laxative.

@van_line: They can also kill you.

Rather than shorting the grounds, I'd recommend halving the water, then diluting to taste. The first stuff that comes off the coffee grounds is the best tasting part, as that gets dissolved out the nastier fractions start to come out. So halving the grounds is going to give you a brew that's not just weak, it's

Reminds me of why I don't miss living in LA...but I wish I'd known this tip when I did. I used to drape a wet folded towel over the radiator and pour more water on it when it dried out.

@artistpavel: Bikes are regarded as a good-weather exercise/recreation item in the US, not a means of transportation, so there's no need to design them to keep your work clothes clean.

I took a creative writing class where I hated the teacher, and would completely rewrite everything that he critiqued, just to fuck with him. It ended up being a lot of fun, and I learned a lot about telling a particular story in many different ways. I'd never done much revision before, but that radical revision

If I took this advice, I wouldn't have time left to pee...assuming I wasn't in jail or marooned on a desert island.

@Corsonmcnash: I suppose you think your vulgarity excuses your humor, young man.

Charles Burns full of win.

Gives me some ideas. I need to look back at some of those homebrew steadicam rigs.