
@rbauman08: The headlamp is reflecting the face of a deep cover CIA agent.

Google Maps has even managed to get me lost in my own home town, but the best was a road trip my gf and I took from DC to Niagara a few years ago. Being a bit of an over-preparer, she printed out directions from Google Maps to all our destination points. So first we ended up trekking down into Maryland (not so bad,

@LombardoJoe: Not hard to cobble something like that together from parts at the garden store. Pump sprayer plus some PVC.

@N@tedog: It they're paying every girl $40-50K, the burn rate for this has to be enormous. They have to be anticipating more revenue than just $3/app, since they'd have to sell 20,000 of them in each city just to pay the girls.

@LeftClicker: No, it won't be affected. You still won't get a decent signal.

@mman426: Spelling flame! You lose!

@Vidikron: Read the article, he came to apologize.

@Cerasus: Torture always works on 24. What if that kid had a sext that was about to go off and kill the entire world? What then, huh? What then? Next thing you'll be arguing for free speech and the minimum wage.

Complex snack: crackers and peanut butter, easy on the peanut butter. Having to make each one slows your eating down.

@Frostedflakes13: Write me from prison and I'll send you some cigarettes.

@Daumier: Got it. Children racing goats around a vertically banked track...with nunchuks!

@Scott Leavenworth: I'm on the side of law. If the guy's daughter had a problem with the sext, she could have filed a complaint.

@MightyJoe36: I've been thinking about getting a pressure cooker. One more vote in favor!

@esarphie: What I see here is a collection of random defenses of tying a guy to a chair and tasing him. Seriously? That seems OK to you?

@Scott Leavenworth: I'm uncertain what law the idiot sexter actually broke, but the father broke a whole slew of them, the worst being kidnapping, the most minor being assault with a deadly weapon. He's going to see prison time for this unless he's good pals with the prosecutor. The sexter could be charged with

One of the secrets of KFC is that the chicken isn't actually pan-fried, it's cooked in a pressure cooker. You aren't going to get quite the right texture if you don't do it that way.

I'm confused about the bidnis model here. Are they really anticipating selling enough of these apps to pay a girl in every city? Or are the girls looking at this as an audition tape that will lead to greater things, and therefore doing it free or cheap? Or are there ads included that pay the overhead, for example

@nandreetta: Mass parachute assaults are unlikely to happen much in modern warfare.