
@chrisg.burns: I can see the problem of heavy loads, but don't see why that would prevent the use of a larger steerable chute. After all, there are tandem chutes in common use.

@Post-Nuked: My position on trash culture is that it is where propaganda can be found in its barest form. For example, we have 24 deliberately legitimizing torture to the public at the same time that the government is openly employing it, or the Delta Force movies legitimizing the idea of assassination squads, or

@Mr.Affrox: It's that new movie [www.iamrogue.com] about FaceBook friends, and how everyone is exactly the way they portray themselves.

@Ian Logsdon: It wasn't originally, but now it is.

I only jumped a few times, but on one of them I went into the trees, and it was no fun at all. You just cover up as best you can and pray.

You're only allowed to take mirror pics if you don't have pants on, and you post them before you sober up.

He lucked out, his date can't tell he's drinking Stella when she's trapped under the couch.

Silvertone made a guitar case with a built-in amp back in the '60s. Looks like it's time for an update.

@Mr.Affrox: Didn't I see you in Catfish?

@Copernileo: It seems like a lousy way to meet smart people.

@tselliot: They say nobody can be trusted, but I'm not so sure. He seems to always know about everything. At least he does the dishes.

@SigmundTheSeaMonster: Sea salt is naturally iodized. Only rock salt actually needs to be iodized, and then only if you live so far inland that you never get near the ocean. You need a tiny bit of iodine for your thyroid, but in coastal areas, the amount of sea salt that's in the air as tiny dust-sized particles is

Chicken at room temp for three hours? Sounds like a gamble with food poisoning to me, no matter how much salt you've got in there. I've never had a problem with brining in the fridge.

This is small potatoes compared to the "like" button. Whenever you click it, the web site scrapes your entire profile, and you're in some merchant's database. You know, so they can give you better service

@Trai_Dep: Oh, please, don't be ridiculous. Camera lenses don't steal your soul. It's the CCD that does it.

I'm ugly on FaceBook because all my frenemies have PhotoShop. In real life I look fabulous, absolutely divine. Everyone says so, and if you can't believe everyone, who can you believe?

@ZFK: Feynman had a pretty funny story in his autobiography about meeting girls at the University of Wisconsin who would seem quite friendly at first, then suddenly find something very interesting anywhere else in the room. Eventually he realized that it was happening when he told them he was a professor, and they

This breaks my heart. We had several hives, I think there were four, around my job site up until about a year ago. One of them was right next to a popular footpath, but we all knew that the bees wouldn't bother us, and no one ever got stung. Now they're all gone. I guess the carpenter bees or some other types of

@microinjectionist: Oops, too bad about the Mensa thing. That's gotta hurt your credibility.