
@Doc Hammer: lay off the steroids, dude!

Now this is purely anecdotal, but all my pothead friends all have extremely smart kids. In one case the kid is way smarter than his parents, which lead to some problems with the family dynamic until he got mature enough to deal with it.

@the.babe.wore.red: Superman's internal conflict lies in the contrast between his strength and human fragility. Imagine living in a world where everyone else is made of Jello. You'd need such incredible self-control just to keep from smashing them, but you still need social contact or you go insane. Larry Niven

Well, Alasdair, either you're going to get some good money and a co-writer credit, or we're never going to see any of those movies. That's why production companies hate getting scripts over the transom, if they had something even remotely similar in production, they end up having to pay go-away money for it.

A formerly homeless friend of mine has a well-respected blog with a White House press pass. He used to run it out of various free terminals, like the library and Legal Aid, while he was on the street. Could be this guy is doing the same.

@Sprzout: You have to balance the cost of new wi-fi gear for all your devices vs the cost of dual-band. And then there's the question of what your smartphone or iPod is running. A quick bit of research indicates that 802.11n smartphones are few and far between. So every time your smartphone connects up to your home

@Sprzout: Good point. I was reading up on it, though, and I think you can escape that problem with a dual-band N, where one band is assigned as G and the other is N. Maybe...

Powers is going to have to be bowdlerized down to nothing to make it to TV. Bendis and Oeming will get their paychecks and the fans will get the smelly end of the stick.

When I cook a chicken, after the choice cuts are gone I toss the rest in a pot and make soup. I guess fried pink extrusion is more profitable.

@Pook365: He wasn't happy, so I don't think he was holding back. Getting ditched by a middle-aged guy in business clothes must have hurt.

Mall cops use these here. Obnoxious as hell. I guess they like the idea that they can ram people without falling down. Outran one on my kick scooter a few months ago, yay ceramic bearings!

@mullse01: You didn't know that already?

@damnflanders: People who say "um" too much can be irritating if you focus on it. But it's a lot better to focus on what they are actually saying. You'll get more out of it that way.

@YOXIM: Not quite that simple. Recording a decent sounding album still costs a lot of money. Going on tour still costs a lot of money.

My gf used to live in a six-bedroom house during college that was referred to as the Hilton. Almost everyone in our college crowd lived there at one time or another, and the stories about roommate horror are epic. When she first moved in, there was a guy named Brian who was utterly depressive: never cleaned up,

@infmom: Because of the way wi-fi works, one weak connection in the lot will kill the bandwidth for everyone. The router goes through the list of connections one at a time, but if the packet it sends to one doesn't get through, it will keep trying until it works before going on to the next connection. So if one of

@kitsuneconundrum: I told you not to talk about me. Just for that I'm drinking that bottle of single malt you've been saving. With Mountain Dew for a mixer. Don't even come home until I sober up.