
At least they wash it in ammonia, so you know it's clean.

@Zoltan Shapiro: Well, Ford was the name of a guy who started a car company and named it after himself, but a ford is a shallow place in a stream or a river where you can cross (or ford) it e.g. [www.battlefieldstrust.com] . A fjord is a deep coastal inlet, and it would take more than a tow truck to get you out if

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Apparently most of the infrastructure was destroyed in an urban renewal frenzy, and every attempt at reconstruction has been ill-timed. I suspect this had something to do with its destruction: Edgemere (Beach 32 to Beach 59 Streets) (Subway: A to Beach 36 or Beach 44) Edgemere, a lower middle

There was a story going around a few years ago [www.timesonline.co.uk] about a little town in England that had a ford in the middle of it. The locals knew it was too deep for anything without 4wd, but the local tow company made a lot of money off of all the people following their GPSs into the water.

This would work great in the bed of a pickup truck.

@Urban Sophist: Ever hear of Philistines? And if you have a beef with the Romans, take it up with them. Your sophism is making me nauseous.

@Urban Sophist: Just because something belongs to Arabs doesn't mean you can steal it then cry when they fight back. Even if God told you you could have it.

@crackel: One of my frenemies was crowing about his kewl new job selling enterprise software a while ago and how he was getting trained in Mumbai bla bla bla. I got big luls when he named the company.

During my mis-spent youth, we smashed a few car windows down in the junkyard just for the evil of it...but it's actually damned hard to do, even with a tire iron. I can't imagine being able to kick out a window against water pressure.

Things you use all the time: low need for organization. Things you only use occasionally: high need for organization. In addition, the more people who use an item, the higher the need for organization, and the quicker it will break down if it's not enforced.

These comments need a screen saver that says "This is a non-functional plate of beans."

@minormillikin: The first rule of French press is don't talk about French press.

@wjbean: Genius! Much less stressful to wake to the smell of bacon, rather than an obnoxious alarm. One question: how does the snooze button work?

The concept is really good, but I'm thinking the top of a plastic mayo jar would work better for most of the stuff I get in plastic bags. A soda/water bottle is too small for things like crackers or cereal. Plus the mayo jar doesn't have a deposit on it...

@Christian Lindfors: Excuse me? Are you trying to say that your comment wasn't helpful or astute and was actually a snarky put-down of the concept of Gizmodo U that you really should have kept to yourself?

Unfortunately, this isn't an operating app yet, it's still in the experimental phase. I hope they get it into beta soon.

My brother's cheeks did that at about 60mph. It made riding behind him on his motorcycle quite entertaining.