
Reducing heat or AC is a good idea. We need AC in our building because of the various servers, but we saved a lot of money by turning it up to 84 when no one's in, and no lower than 76 when we're in.

I had a LaCie NAS. On the one hand, it worked almost seamlessly. On the other hand, it burned out two months after the warranty was up.

I suffered through so many bad PP presentations in college. Officers are, by definition, college graduates, so it's no surprise that they produce lots of bad PP presentations. It's what you learn to do in college.

Crowd-sourcing FTW. I suspected that Eye-Fi needed a router, and you guys confirmed. What we really want is a Bluetooth SD card that will do straight-up file transfers.

When I was a kid, someone smashed their car into the telephone pole in front of our house and sheared it off. We were driving home at the time, and saw the wires bouncing up and down half a mile away, when we got there, the pole was still dancing from the impact.

I hate the narrator. My father-in-law is a devotee of home improvement and design shows, and this sort of gush is the standard. Even the music is completely typical. It must be from some royalty-free collection.

@akdms: I used to have to generate a new, strong password every 45 days for an old job. I used interlocked keywords + keyshift to reduce the pain. The worst part was that the system would start suggesting that we change our passwords after 30 days, so we had to put up with two weeks of nagging just as the keystrokes

Very nice. I've been thinking about something like this on my mother's house, her bedroom wall gets blazing hot from the afternoon sun. She had good success with cucumbers a couple of years ago, if they'll climb a trellis maybe I'll get some pickles out of the deal.

@EvanSei (lord of the gerbils): The UI is the only thing wrong with my Garminfone...oh, and the fact that I'm stuck with Android 1.6. I replaced the UI with ADW and now it's a much nicer phone.

Damn...stuck with another orphaned phone, and 21 months on my contract.

@Polebull: Since a watched pot won't boil, this allows you to turn your back on it with confidence.

@DPortain: On the other hand, bicycle chains and sprockets are very easy to find.

My favorite Street Fashion sighting was a guy in SanFran who had prickly pear pads on the epaulets of his motorcycle jacket. I was disappointed to discover that they were latex (he got them off a decorative cactus), but they still were full of win.

A lot of my pet peeves in there. I see these all the time, even in newspapers and magazines, where one would think that professional writers would be aware of the meaning of words and use them correctly, or an editor would be paying enough attention to see the misuse.

@dereksalem: Think about the stealth fighter. It's so flat it can barely fly, and those planes are there because they reflect radar off at an angle, like a mirror. Besides, the radar is most likely reflecting off of the frame, tank and engine, not the fairing....it could be that the ZX has a lower profile than most

@battra92: The Alloy Orchestra occasionally performs a live accompaniment to Metropolis. I see they are touring it now, if that's what you're going to see, you're in for a stunning experience.

@dereksalem: Bikes are just too small to show on radar, if there's any other sort of target around. I was going down the highway in Georgia at about 90 on my EX5oo, cutting through traffic like it was butter, when a GHP coming the other way pulled onto the median...I knew I was busted, so I pulled up next to him. He

@MrRainMan: People are a lot cheaper than robots. There are 6 billion+ of them running around right now, just waiting to have a mind control helmet strapped on.

Finally, we'll be rid of bad grammar.