
Friend of mine is a news photographer, he says TSA has been getting very harsh on photographers lately. Don't you feel safer now?

@Hal: a little over 1,000 people

Oh my god my mother-in-law will never die!

@redman042: Check the paint section of your hardware store. It comes in a little tub.

@38thsignal: I've got the right to shoot your speakers.

@38thsignal: You've got the right to lean your seat back, I've got the right to do a bongo solo on it. I guess we're even.

I always thought Clippy looked sneaky, the way he'd look both ways before popping up his useless suggestion, like he was afraid someone would catch him talking to you.

I was on a 200-foot Alaskan Marine Highway ferry when we went through a fairly smooth patch of 15+ foot waves, and that was damned exciting. Sky, water, sky, water out the front observation deck window for near an hour until we reached protected waters. Our captain did a great job of getting through it.

Dump your Oracle. Buy it back after the inevitable scandal hits.

@Bilouba: Nothing people love more than a French spelling cop.

@Chefdude548: In other words, until right now. GAME OVER

I'm thinking you could DIY this for around $100K: $30K for the truck, $20K for the trailer, and $50K to install the amenities.

This is pretty hard to believe, but I have to say that stretching after an injury is important to bring yourself back to full function, especially as you get older.

@DaveyNC: Sad but true. None of the people who died in any of our recent wars, and in several of our older ones, died for anything except corporate profit. Ask Smedley Butler.

@Nye!: Yes, I have to agree that the intent of the Founders was to create a universal surveillance state. The cases cited in your article make that obvious.

@TD99: I'm sure a video of you installing your easyturf will be just as exciting!

@jedimaster: Sorry, I thought "This would be an awesome way to start the year" referred to dunking your hand in liquid Ni, not snuffing a flame with your fingers.

@Arken: One thing on top of another is the definition of a hack...as long as it works.

I used a couple of oops cans to paint my first boat. Unfortunately, I liked the color scheme so much I now have to pay for the custom mixes to match it.

@Nye!: Those silly laypeople, thinking that their government should have to justify universal electronic surveillance to a judge!! Don't they know the Constitution is just a quaint old piece of paper?