
@Kogo: that would be to-day.

@acidrain69: Try a paste of cream of tartar and hydrogen peroxide before you go crazy with the power tools. I had a gray scum in my tub that resisted very effort until I tried that concoction. It still takes a little bit of elbow grease, but it works, in contrast to a lot of elbow grease with the abrasive cleansers.

If you do it right, you can get a lot of experience for your money. I spent a month in Japan for $2000, including airfare, by hitchhiking and camping as much as possible. I know I saw a heck of a lot more of the country than someone who spent 5 times that much and stayed in hotels and rode trains.

I have friends who play this with Wikipedia, racing to see who can get from one random page to another one with only links.

My boss's son got into file sharing back in the very early days, and installed Kazaa on the home computer. Suddenly, the hard drive was full...my boss investigated, and discovered that every spare megabyte was filled with porn, and his computer was being used as a server. Imagine if it had been child porn, he would

This is really nice. I had a set of spherical speakers many years ago, and although they were barely larger than a softball, they sounded like a much larger set. I don't know if it was the shape, or just that they were a very good set of drivers, but they fooled many a friend who was looking for a waist-high set of

@xenapan: why does the unprocessed item cost more?

@the.myklsan: I push my cart backwards. It's a lot more maneuverable that way, even though it drives my girlfriend nuts.

@oneshot719: o noes! bluish? must throw away!!!

@00Red: True enough. If no one else thinks your art is any good, then you're probably kidding yourself about its quality. That's why your mom is your worst critic.

ACQUINE is FAIL due to its procedure of showing you how it scores a picture <before you rate it. That's incredibly naive on the part of the programmers, if they are trying to use public input to train the algorithm.

@ads2k2.1: I want a steampunk smartphone.

I can't find my matte-black phone if the lights are dimmed, or pick it out from all the other matte-black crap in the room. I'm starting to miss putty.

15 years ago I decided to put up a wall between online and offline. It has served me well, even though I won't be friending my offline friends on Facebook.

Great casting, he looks like he was drawn by Gil Kane.

@Norbs: Wow I'm guess he is still alive and OK?

@balloondoggle: I feel pretty naked without a helmet, too. Back when I was playing hard-ass, I used to wear a full-face without a face-shield, but an encounter with a bee cured me of that. But any helmet's better than none, the one that saved my friend's life was a beany half-helmet.

This is just crying out for a DIY treatment. PVC pipe + centrifugal fan + 5 gallon bucket?

@Norbs: My friend centerpunched a highway barrier with his head one night. He came to with his helmet hanging in two pieces by the lining, and a crack in his skull to match. The brains were still inside, though. I imagine it would have gone down to his nose without the helmet.

@Elvisisdead: My mom still has the grinder we used when I was a kid, I think she bought it in the '50s, and it's so easy to use that it's a little ridiculous to think about motorization, almost like motorizing a bottle opener. We used to dump cheap stew meat in there for our burgers.