
Those skinny little wires that used to be on speakers will indeed hurt the sound, but once you get up to lamp cord gauge (18 or lower) any effects will be well above the human ear's ability to hear, or modern equipment's ability to reproduce.

I guess it's better than having them power themselves with human flesh.

@Wabbited: My buddy got mugged in the Haight a few years back, and kept the money that was in his boot, only losing a couple of twenties that were in his pocket. So it does work sometimes. Excessive laces may help.

@onathanatos: Facts or evidence to back up my claim that Jobs couldn't get his i4 to hook up during the demo? Hey, I can give you evidence that the sky is blue, too, if you need that, fanboy.

Just $40! Wait a minute, I need to light my cigar with a $10 bill.

@onathanatos: Frankly, that makes it even worse. He's pretending to demo G4, but can't even get the thing to work on an almost completely mature technology.

@d71c: Obviously, making anything yourself is white trash. Decent people buy things that someone else made in a sweatshop, right?

Rumor is that Cheney's on this thing because the heart they tried to transplant clawed its way out.

When Jobs couldn't get signal during the i4 demo, that should have told people something. In fact, it should have told him something, but I suppose when you already know your product is the best thing EVAR, there's no need to pay attention to silly things like facts or evidence or your own experience. "Who are you

I'm loving LiveHome right now. It made my Garminfone from a GPS with a phone into a phone with a GPS. Plus I think it's a lot prettier than my gf's Slide home (although they are somewhat similar).

In Korea, everyone burns cylinders of charcoal that have lengthwise holes through them. I suspect putting three or four holes through these bricks would both make them dry faster and make them burn better.

@SupaDave: I'm not a prude, but I have to say that the human body is very disgusting.

@homoviper: It's funny how well extreme politeness can work. I've had to work with someone I abhorred in the past, and kept it in check by being very polite at all times. I was amazed to learn later that he considered me to be one of the best people in the office, and used to praise me to other people. He was still

@Morningstar: I balance my handshake against the other person's. If they limp fish it, I let go right away, if they go for a contest, it's on! Otherwise, I match firm for firm, no matter what the gender of the other party.

I like the user-editing capability. Google Maps had the rail lines in France screwed up for years, and I would have gladly adjusted them to match the satellite photos myself.

"Shut up, there is no problem" is a great solution so far as I'm concerned. The only thing that could make it better would be a ball gag.

The major problem with superheroing is actually finding crimes being committed. You could wander the streets for days and days before you encountered anything significant.

@XxgibnelxX: I'd like you to talk to electric lemon. Your persona here is just a little too aggressive, and I think it drowns out the message we need you to be presenting. When Steve does it, it's OK, but you're in a different position. I think electric lemon could give you a few tips on how to tone it down without

@electronic lemon: Excellent work! You got the talking points exactly right this time. I think we can move you to the training division in a week or two.

The thing you shouldn't change is the purpose that you are writing for. But in order to achieve that purpose, nothing else should be sacred.