There are a lot of kids in youth prison/jail who were “just there watching” a crime being committed
Because you and others are calling these boys rapists, when they were also under the age of consent and by all accounts, including the girls!, the sex was consensual.
What leads you to believe that they knew about her history? She was new to the school. This is tragic AF, but you need to leave your prejudices aside and look at the facts as they are presented
Men of color suffer more than white women in The US.
Informed consent is only a thing when you’re talking about medical procedures.
why do they need to do jail time? If it was consensual and all the boys are under 18. Or do you think all sex by people under 18 is rape?
again, he is 16 years he can’t consent either. Is every sexual encounter among minors rape?
Snoop Dogg urged his fans to boycott the remake of Roots, saying he wants to see something “based on today.”
It will be interesting to see if the white owned media will treat one their beloved as though he is guilty before the court date, as they do with prominent black public figures. It seems that the media really really really really wants to give him a pass! Will they just let it blow over as they have done with Woody…
They love to pretend that making comments about white people is actually racist. White fragility is a thing. Look into girl.
Because you sound white as fuck.
How is one suppose to be racist against white people? Is that a thing now?
I really didn’t care for her in my teen years. I thought she was a thinly-veiled porn star hiding behind crappy music. But then her whole meltdown happened and I started to sympathize with her. She’s been packaged and repackaged her whole life. Then a Jez writer wrote about going to one of her concerts post-meltdown…
Hey everyone replying to me: I didnt express any opinions here or saying anything outlandish. A couple people asked why other people were bringing up his name and I just explained why they might. Your lectures aren’t enlightening me, and Nicholson doesn’t give a shit about about you defending him on the internet. Bye.
Is that like what Hillary is accused of?
Maybe it is because they have no mouths! That is some creepy shit. And they only live long enough as adults to reproduce. That is pretty brutal. If only human men could take a page from their book. BAM, MISANDRY.
Yeah, it’s “look at what those backward brown people eat and how they’re killing that species off” while we eat a bag of chemicals and continue to kill off species after species without a second thought.