Maddox is a teen and all teens are bad.
Maddox is a teen and all teens are bad.
What planet are you from? And is everyone as dumb as you?
does your mom have a dick?
This is why as a black woman, i sometimes look at white women and say I have nothing in common with these people aside from a vagina.
Cue people saying she only got charged because she was a woman... ugh
Marriage isn’t “just a fucking word”. It’s a legal status with fairly extensive implications in healthcare, tax, child custody, inheritance, property ownership, civil and criminal legal cases, pensions etc. Marriage doesn’t protect spouses from cheating or leaving, sure, but that’s a massively different thing from…
Sorry, but no. He was honest even though he was put on the spot.
Why do people still obsess over this case? How many non-rich, non-white girls have been murdered in the 20 years since, and where are their TV specials? I’m very interested in true crime stories, but this one has just always made me feel very, very icky.
Excuse me, but I am throwing a tantrum here. I know full well what the consequences are. I am not WISHING for this to happen. I am actively supporting Hillary. But dagnabit, if she loses and Trump wins, we will deserve the ire and the disgust of the rest of the world.
I say let him! If people in this country can’t get their shit together by election day, we deserve every single fucking thing we get.
Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?
It’s really not as easy as calling the cops. As far as child sex rings, human trafficking and white slavery are concerned, the people involved usually are untouchable. Powerful politicians, wealthy business men, not just celebrities. It’s actually pretty terrifying. More than the war on drugs, people need to focus on…
You don’t like being reminded of what sleazy levels you stooped to as an addict? Get the fuck over yourself. It’s not about you. If this picture stops even ONE person from using then it’s a good thing.
You are either trolling or shockingly ignorant.
Locked in a basement with Shelly Miscavige?
Hey, friends! Join me in the Not Wrestling Over the Gendered Language section. Alexis was fantastic and great and was loved by many. Instead of being self-appointed pronoun monitors, let’s love on Alexis’ memory and realize some people will have it right and some people will have it wrong. AIDS sucks, brain tumors…
Interviewer: Instead of talking about one of the most critically acclaimed films Hollywood has produced in years, let’s talk again about a crime that you were shown not to have perpetrated 15 years ago.