
What the fuck are you even talking about? Arthritis kicking in? It’s joint pain - it doesn’t suddenly spasm causing me to flail around and fall. It’s a constant ache.

I’m gonna just go ahead and guess that not only are you not a doctor, you don’t know shit about the wide variety of different disabilities there are and how they effect activities of daily living. Shut the fuck up when you don’t know what you’re talking about, you fucking cur.

Dude, you’re being a dick. Must be nice to have a life so easy you can wait an endless amount of time for a parking spot to come available - these expectations you’re heaping onto disabled people so you can have the convenience of parking closer to a building are fucking ridiculous.

I have rheumatoid arthritis. I can walk OK, but the longer I do it, the more pain I’m in.

Riiiight. Sorry about that. Thought you were commenting in good faith. Now I realize you’re being a douche just to be a douche.

Obviously your handicap is terminal stupidity.

It’s a fucking 4 year old, you think maybe they react a bit differently than an adult?

Dude, you’re so wildly uneducated about handicapped parking. The permit applies to the individual. Many people who are issued handicapped permits are driven around by caretakers — as long as the person who was issued the permit is in the car, the driver can park in a handicapped space.

Yeah...that’s not how handicaps work. My mom has severe nerve damage in her back, which of course effects her legs. She needs exercise, she’s supposed to get exercise, but after 45 minutes to an hour of walking around the grocery store or wherever else life takes her, it’s really very hard for her to walk a long way

Wow, how mean-spirited and ableist of you. Disabled people are the ones who decide when and how they need their service animals and any other things they need to help them get around. Telling people with anxiety that they just shouldn’t travel and people who use handicapped parking that they should have to use devices

Some people have handicapped placards because they have heart or lung conditions, not because they can’t walk unassisted. Here’s the form to apply for handicapped parking permits in the state of Washington — check out the section that the healthcare provider fills out regarding type of disability. http://www.dol.wa.gov

This is also why I’m the asshole at work that shoots down the idea anytime someone asks about being able to bring their pets to work everyday.

Fuck all those people with no compassion for allergies!

The fact people are recommending this is disturbing. There are such things as invisible handicaps. People abusing handicap placards should not be conflated with people having to look handicapped, whatever you think that means.

maybe handicapped people are there doing therapy on their handicap? but i get what you’re saying. the worst is when someone parks in the handicapped spot with out a tag and you know damn well they aren’t handicapped.

what the fuck is wrong with you? people can’t fly if they get nervous? so a marine with ptsd stationed on the west coast can’t fly home to visit his family on the east coast? yes people abuse it, but the people who need it should get fucked over? and handicapped parking? grow up man.

No. Some disabilities are not visible to others, and having a cane or other device would not be helpful.

You don’t really sound any better than the people who clapped this kid off a plane! Some people clearly need service animals. What if you are taking a flight to your mother’s funeral? Your kid’s wedding? You really think people with service animals shouldn’t take any flights?

What a little bitch you are. I bet you think people with brain cancer should just STFU and wait for a healthy brain to become available too, CaptainDipshit?

I hope you realize that you’re just as big an asshole as the people clapping when the kid was taken off the plane.