
Are you a doctor? If and when the doctor thinks he/she needs a walker, that is the doctors call. Not some insensitive prick on the internet! A part of me wants to wish one of these ‘invisible disabilities’ on you — just because you are being SUCH a huge ass hole! But the truth is, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. It is

Then you know at least 3 crappy people. But that doesn’t mean that only people with walking aids are disabled and need a handicap placard. Obviously, your experience in limited. You need to get out an meet more people - nicer people from the sounds of it!

Some gyms offer a kind of physical therapy to special needs people. So again, while you might see someone parked there that seems fishy, it might also be totally on the up and up.

Because you believe every handicapped person is over-weight? I happen to be teetering between normal and under-weight, thank you very much. So, why shouldn’t there be a handicap space at the mall and in front of home depot? How do YOU know how long they were in there? Did you watch them get out and follow them around

Not every handicap pertains to walking. I have COPD and lung cancer. Even though it is getting harder and harder to breath, I am currently still resisting getting my handicap sticker and riding around in a little cart to go shopping. Instead, I just rarely leave my house, and let my husband to all the shopping. So