
Um.. excuse the fuck out of me, but this is the same woman who thought it would be hilarious to joke about asking whether the President liked “12 Years A Slave”. Fuck her and all her crap.

HAHAHAHAH Yes! Those poor millionaire producers!! Let’s laugh at them while they count their Smurfs money.

I was talking about my dad and his family (he was born in the 1930s). I was talking about his time in his family’s ranches. When he was around 12-19. I don’t know why people are jumping all over me. I feel now like I should have added that part, so people would stop calling us “country people.” They lived on a

Your perspective is interesting, and I sort of see what you’re saying, but I think myself (and it seems like many others) are having a different emotional response to this incident so let me just walk you through my (maybe our?) thought process.

Death by a gunshot wound to the head is a far faster death than pumping an animal full of drugs to give your animal a heart attack. A lot of people on this thread seem to have grown up in the city or suburbia and do not understand this.

I seriously cannot see that this woman did anything wrong. She wrote that she thought the cat was feral (I think she meant abandoned)— and abandoned cats really mess with the local ecosystem, altering local bird populations which are already stressed enough. Abandoned cats also impregnant other abandoned cats, and

I grew up in Northern Ontario. My dad worked for the MNR counting fish amongst other things. He had to obtain his hunting/fishing licences and learn to speak Cree. I bore witness to people calling geese down to be shot. I would argue a lot of people who actually hunt and eat what they catch have a greater

Why do people only care about pets though? Horrible stuff happens to other animals all the time.

this is very true. most dems are republicans at this point. that’s why warren looks WILDLY PROGRESSIVE when she’s all ‘i really like the idea of kids not going into debt for their education’

Getting one CT scan every once in a while is fine. My mom has to get one every sex months to monitor her cancer, so it is actually saving her life FROM cancer, not giving her more cancer.

He looks like mine <3 I’m actually trying to convince the bf to let me adopt another one of the exact same cat! I love putting my face in his belly.

Here’s my “big-boned” black cat:

Okay, imagine a robot with a robo peen and it’s like using a vibrator except attached to a muscular shapely robo man body... sounds like a dream, right? Until there’s a glitch and the thing thrusts too hard and accidentally eviscerates you. This is why I say NO THANKS to fucking a robot.

At this time in our lives, racism was not the talk of the country....”

Of course he has an answer. 'Get cancer and fucked by a rake."

Any response to the 1000+ comments concerning your writing here, on Groupthink, and on Live Journal?

Seriously, he looks like he’s lived a ROUGH 31 years. Meanwhile, this succubus looks like she drained the vitality from him and made it her own.

Literally any white woman that's who.

As a gay man who would love 6 weeks of paid maternity equivalent leave every year for absolutely no reason, I still think this is a stupid comment. Not everything in life needs to be completely equal and fuck you for begrudging people the time they need to recover from a medical situation.