
How about just watching the show and forming your own opinion?

Not possible on California roads. Any follow space is instantly filled by a BMW.

I think it's totally fair when WOC don't want to identify as feminist and are angry at mainstream feminism.

People who don't live in California think it's some kind of racial utopia where everyone gets along just because we have a high percentage of racial minorities.

You are responsible for maintaining enough distance between you and any cars in front of you for exactly that reason which is why you're at fault when you hit someone from the rear 99.999999999% of the time. It doesn't matter what happened in front of him. He was following at an unsafe distance and that mistake cost a

They're cartoonish evil now, aren't they? What more will they do? They shoot puppies already, murder children and the mentally ill, run over old people. What the fuck is left?



Especially when they are wearing a $250,000 necklace "lent" to them just for advertising by the jeweler.

it's argentina, so maybe.

Dude. Shut the fuck up..... And take a seat

Bitch, please. Die.

James Franco is living proof that hollywood is racist as fuck/white privilege is real. First who asked for him? Who actually likes james franco. Who is his audience? Pretentious rich white people? You know what I'll even narrow that cause I don't even think white girls like him that much. Pretentious rich white men?

1. It is literally my job not to ignore her.

As a person who got into a weird twitter fight with this lady over her watching 12 years a slave and it causing her to think about how mean people were being to Macklemore, I can attest that she is the goddamn worst.


I will watch this. I had no interest, until I read the TV news headline: WHITE WOMEN FOUND and then the smaller "Hispanic Woman Also Found". Genius.

u speld Miss Japan rong. :P