
After seeing her profile at NYMag, I watched both seasons of The Slope on Vimeo. I think Akhavan is much funnier than Lena Dunham, I really enjoyed her character's nihilism. But then I asked myself why I was comparing them. And the answer is that there is a whole fucking lot of sameness between her, Dunham, Broad

Congratulations, white people! We did it again!

Is that a scene from Sunday's episode of Girls?

Enron was one of her clients, so there is that.

Thank you. I said something similar a while back (before her death) and got absolutely pummeled so good luck :).

I'm not sure Margiela is a good fit for him but there's no denying the man is a creative genius.

Yeah, but you also said "non-White".

Wellll... I know this may not be a popular opinion, but as a frumpy woman I would say the original statement is accurate. I don't turn any heads on a regular basis. Not that I feel as comfortable in public as a man, but it's probably more like carrying around a package of chips ahoy rather than a homemade lemon cake.

Why is spring?

It's been pretty well established at this point that as far as his political opponents are concerned he can't do anything right. If he turned water into wine and healed the sick with a touch, the fox headlines would be "President threatens to destroy alcohol, health care industries."

Oh dear. Because her ex Sean Penn has such a history of treating women with respect? Dennis Rodman is an ass because he's an ass. Not because he's black.

Any of the really old school Jezebelles around? The grossest story I remember is the one about Moe's tampon. Enjoy:


Sorry but Selena Gomez is just being a fucking twat.

I know "thirsty" has now entered the mainstream lexicon and therefore is overused, but it is precisely how she acts in her all relationships. She loves hard,sweet gal. Pull back some Brit Brit!

Think of the Children.

I think you should call the local free landlord/tenant legal helpline and ask this question. LL/T law is incredibly state-specific.