
Since those rich people want loads of poor people competing to nanny their rich brats and don't want the poors to have kids of their own to take attention away from their yuppiespawn. Also, since the rich have decided they don't give a shit about maintaining a workforce at home since they can just send jobs overseas

Works every time, both ways

It's not a brag, it's a statement of fact. Unless someone has a medical issue or is asexual, there is no reason to have a relationship where only one partner is satisfied sexually. Whether it's the non-orgasmic partner not wanting to make their partner feel bad or because *they* feel bad over some social-constructed

It's the step right before the type of lotions that are organic and scented with natural oils. I personally like their lotion and their candles are great. I just think EGR accidentally blasts her snobbier side from time to time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Ugh. Please please please, folks, do not put butter on a burn! Or frozen pees for that matter. She shouldda been running cool water on her hooha.

She is like the musical version of genital herpes. Painful and — apparently — impossible to get rid of.

that poor child winding a pair of stretched out dirty old camel toe coverings around her sad little neck in a dirty disgusting closet full of shit worth more than entire families net earnings per decade while her fatass "omish" mother looks too tired to give a fuck- always in the redsoled hooker shoes and chubby

No, it's because they're both assholes that got famous for not doing much at all. And because they got famous/notorious before they matured fully, they say a LOT of dumb stuff in public. You could say the same thing about Jaden Smith too.

That African American studies thing reminds me of Bamboozled, tbh.

Neither, she just does not care.

This is gonna be great.

Well, yes, I'm proud for standing up for myself and correcting her. She needed to be told that she was wrong. Repeatedly.

" I live in the same country as you and my life is never threatened."

Gandhi hated black people though.

Pointing out racial double standards is not racist...

Holder: "place their lives on the line each and every day"

Black people can't be mentally ill. Only white people can kill wantonly because of mental illness.

I found a video still of the sex tape!!!!!!!
