What is up with people who get all pissed off about crying babies on airplanes? Get over it you special snowflakes.
That's assuming she's still there. She might have left already.
She was born in Trinidad and is wearing a headdress typically worn during the country's Carnival celebration.
Go merp yourself.
The problem is white women, who objectively have it pretty good, often drown out women of color and transgender women, who objectively have it way fucking worse.
Why? I mean setting aside the particulars of Williams and Watson, why is "there are more important things" invalid? Saying that everything is equally important seems like some leftover aggressively consensus-based feminist thinking that got us nowhere. I know we're at Jezebel where the dreaded "judging" is about the…
The police said they shouldn't change their foreign travel plans after being involved in at least $100k of property damage.
how about not looking for absolution from a bunch of white feminists (who will no doubt forgive you) and instead try looking for the people of color your racist ass harmed and begging them for forgiveness? you self-serving... fill in the blanks.
She's very unattractive
A phrase Ms. Montenegro needs to use more often. Her vagina will thank her.
Should you really believe everything a compulsive liar says?
So are the Bachmanns, and theirs turned out alright.
I thought the Duggars were against gay marriage.
Well the police chief is appointed by the mayor, and last election in Ferguson the mayor ran unopposed, so I'm not sure voting makes a difference one way or the other there.