
My friend in elementary school, Bobby, had an uncle who worked for the company that printed Pokémon cards so he had 5 Charizards at his house.

"Elementary school, my dear Watson."

"I have an iPhone case like this!"

Oh noes, now we won't have context for why two factions are fighting each others while having access to a bunch of identical guys.

Gif at the top really reminds me of this:

Don't forget, he's also the first non-Asian Asian to win at EVO SFIV!

This was such a great tournament. Very compelling stuff. His Rose was unreal. I've mained her for quite some time so I'm familiar with some of her stuff but he was on a whole different level. Great seeing phenomenal international play. Snake Eyez Zangief was a blast to watch too, that guy is a lot of fun to watch.

inb4 MadCatz, Razer and whomever makes a Playstation controller for the masses for the FGC.

See they're doin it right, if you like a game and the people who make it are cool, you'll feel like a dick for not buying it.

This one? As legendary as that black couch :D

Hey, I know that swimming pool.....

Oh my god! It's Generic Saiyan Amalgamation!!! He's my FAVE!!!

My money's on a time-traveling SS God Gohan.

"Breaking News: Game Freak announces drastic renaming of all Pokemon, adds the suffix 'mon' to every creature name"


The possibilities are endless.

pokemon really wants to become digimon with all these different types of evolutions

So we're not going to focus on Sony promising things and not coming through on them, right? How long until someone throws up a strawman about "but the XBone blah blah blah"? Can we all be adults for a moment and admit that the console wars are inherently flawed, and that corporations don't personally care about us and