Alistair Vaginafoot

These activists teach other people’s children that homoeroticism and biological-sex rejection (i.e., “transgenderism”) are phenomena to be celebrated.

Fuck these assholes for actually making me miss W as president. Jaysus.

Kill kill and kill.

Now playing

Just a little reminder of how a real President responds to detractors.

That whole thing reminds me of the mer-man scene in Zoolander.

That seat has been abdicated by the US. The seat now supports Merkel wherever she takes a moment to herself.

WTH? I’m trying to star you and it deducts one??! I try it again...same thing. My sincerest apologies AV.

It’s truly mind numbing when you realize all of this was done, with the safety and security of the country and its citizens was willingly jeopardized, all because a bunch of grown fucking men (and a few women) just couldn’t live with the idea of Hillary Clinton being President

your comment is the best comment of the week, thank you!

Nothing says “years of wedded bliss” like referencing a story that ends with “and then they both died.”

Hey! I thought of something nice to say about Trumperdink!

Someday he’ll die, probably in pain, possibly abandoned by his family, and then right at the end...he’ll shit himself.

Well, it made me smile.

You know, there is actually something nice that everyone can say about Donald Trump.

Get good sleep, eat more fiber and green stuff, move around, jettison assholes in your life and have a hobby. That’s my advice, now someone give me a gabillion dollars for my wisdom.

The thought of someone raping Little Miss Sunshine is giving me the worst cross of murderous rage and horrific sadness. Take care sweet Abagail.

But Bernie would have won! I just know it. Because of a poll early in the campaign. Trump would have never attacked Bernie for being an old, Jewish socialist from Vermont. Hillary was the worst candidate in the history of democracy. She only won by 3 millions votes. Bernie would have won at least 3 million more plus

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run. He has been harmful not helpful to the party and the DNC needs to stop acting like making overtures to him accomplishes anything. All of this is just about Sanders’ ego.

I am so fucking sick of how stupid people are. Either Perez or Ellison would have been fine (although Ellison would have been required to resign from his job as a US Representative to devote full time to the position).

How is Bernie Sanders’ opinion even relevant? He is not a Democrat. The Democratic Party is a private organization of which he has opted not to become a member. Therefore, his opinions on our leadership mean nothing.

Looks at Tom Perez’s record of being a highly-intelligent, public policy-minded civil servant with a record of doing nothing but focusing on civil rights, voting rights, disability rights, unions, labor rights, etc. and then looks at people denouncing him as “the worst” and talking about taking their toys and going

Meanwhile, back in the world that actually exists, Perez will make a good DNC chair, just like Ellison would have., for a party that had a setback in 2016 but is hardly reduced to ashes.