caught stealing.
Must we use British pluralization rules when writing about soccer ("Cardiff City were...")?
I call bullshit on Gronk actually having a house plant.
That trade (HanRam et al for Beckett et al) isn't really an exact comparison, considering Beckett was much younger than Larry Anderson was in the 1990 trade.
The comparison is, "I hope the Sox didn't trade a player who's going to be very good for someone who is going to help with a playoff run and end up not being a lot of help." I.e., the Sox traded Jeff Bagwell, then a prospect in the Sox farm system, for Larry Anderson, a relief pitcher the Sox acquired for a playoff…
Peavy sucked last night ... although he also helped us win the division and helped put down the Rays.
I live in New Jersey. You spelled "Taylor ham" wrong. And you forgot to put it at No. 2. (Behind Mass chowder.)
I think the point was, there was fire near the cardboard box. Which is why he was bemused.
See, who cares if it is a logical fallacy? This is baseball! It's not philosophy class! Yeah, it's a confirmation bias! Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if modus tollens!
See, I actually agree with what you're saying. Intellectually, you're obviously correct. David Ortiz is no more likely to smash that grand slam in that situation as he was during Game 47, third inning, up two runs against the Padres (notwithstanding some shaky stats, particularly the too-broad category of "playoffs").
I think we need to define our terms here. What does "clutch" mean?
"Wicked" is a modifier. It is not used on its own.
Oof. Nice.
Boston's finest, ladies and gentlemen.
Looks like there might be a tube sock in there, too.
What is that paper sticking out of his pants?
You're right, Burns is really on the warpath with this one.
Fuck you beat me to this.