avada yo mama

Plus everyone forgets that immediately before Sandy changes she sings a sad song about how unhappy she is with herself and asks Frenchie to dress her up.

No, we call that a "loophole," actually

God's Not Dead 3 needs headlines to be ripped from, obviously

Wait so is there such a thing as white BBQ sauce? I must know

She should not have invited him to her wedding at all. They weren't close enough friends that he had met or even seen her fiance - why would she want him there in the first place?

Dev has a $5000 Eames chair in his apartment

T.J. Miller's chemistry with Krysten Ritter in She's Out Of My League is great. I haven't seen much else that he's been in (I am not counting those cartoon paychecks against anyone cashing them, though).

I took the phone battle as a victory for Dinesh, though - he's right, Gilfoyle just admitted to having embarrassing secret(s) on his phone

So many men in these comments whining about how Charlie Hunnam is a bad actor. Yeah. That's not why people like him. (go ahead and google "Charlie Hunnam gif" to see why. Warning: NSFW).

I love the combination of Monica and Erlich. In fact, with her experience at Raviga and his "incubator," the two of them could team up and form their own incubator/VC firm. Or they could hook up - would be worth it for Monica's reactions alone.

Even Lily got awful in the later seasons

I only think it's Notebook-related bc I am a basic, white, millennial woman and Noah was on my baby name list. For that reason. My husband did not get on board.

(Wasn't that Lot? Was everyone drugged and raped by their daughters in the Old Testament?)

Pretty sure Audrey, Eleanor, Lily and Iris are all in the top 50. They're as trendy as names come.

People name their children Baron, Duke, Prince, King, etc all the time, though.

I am pretty disappointed at whoever told Goldie she should make this her big comeback movie

This is crazy talk. LAX is like 1/4 the size of Sky Harbor for 3 times the people.

I liked Gladiator (although Crouching Tiger is one of my all-time favorites), but I'm just a sucker for a generic hero's journey.

Replied too fast before - the prophecy (that either he or Voldy would kill the other) was book 5 and could have been non-conclusive, but that and the fact that he was a Horcrux that would need to be destroyed was very clear by the end of Book 6

Harry having to die came from the prophecy in the 5th book.