avada yo mama

I wish she'd apologize less for killing whichever character and more for not having the balls (or what's the British equivalent of "balls") to kill off Harry. The train station scene was such a weak cop out.

It's somewhat vague in the book, from what I remember. He gets hit by a spell or something but then falls behind a magical veil (which apparently leads to death, I guess).

About Time! Domnhall is everywhere!

Oh. I clicked hoping for an actual comedy podcast by teachers, about teaching and other educational issues.

I think they did one of those reviews last week?

"You're only saying that because you were molested as a child" -Dr. Drew, probably

I think it looks like butts

It was a regular pump, in a backpack.

That's the best selling brand and style.

Huh? The breast pump she had looks like every other breast pump?

I'd add "frustrating" to the list of Jupiter Ascending's sins, because occasionally something of a good idea was there and squandered (the idea of a dna heir could have been cool, and the "we're harvesting your planets for our wealth/beauty" thing, while not original, could have at least been fun)

I remain convinced that Chef could have been good if it were about 45 minutes shorter.

oh. shit.

Is this different from, say, mall cops (except that the mall is at least taxed)?

Neil Young should, at least

Haven't watched this episode yet, but I think I will not continue with the show if it is just going to be one assault after another. The first episode was showing us something new in the relationships between the women and their storylines. Just showing the horrible circumstances faced by 18th century prostitutes in

They also wore Citizens of Humanity jeans in all of the 1970's time-travel Dharma scenes, though.

Oh my god I forgot about the back surgery thing.

The flashbacks also introduced random pre-island connections between the characters, and the numbers leading many of them to their destinies, and problems in their lives that would be magically fixed once on-island. So the flashbacks served both character and mystery purposes.

The island being a physical location that you can get to only if you know the way/numbers code/have a giant pendulum thingy/whatever doesn't negate it being Purgatory - in fact, it makes the idea that it is Purgatory far more interesting, imo.