
I think that’s the new Ford super-heating virus-killing option for police vehicles I’ve been reading about.

I think you hit the nail on the head. To even think you can swing the payments on a big new truck, you need to be upper middle class income bracket.

Is this the RWD V8 version?

That's an Acurate way of putting it.

I’m sure they could, but part of the appeal of Dajiban is that they are so big and unsuited for racing. Making a smaller (though still unsuited) version would seems weird to me. It’s a JDM niche of a JDM niche, and I think the world would implode.

This. I want a tiny Ford Econoline with a tiny V8.

Sooooo close.

They just needed to embrace the 90's whole hog.

Step 1: See running SHO-swapped wagon

It’s a fucking manual wagon with a peach of an engine for $2000 motherfucking dollars!!!! A clutch on a FWD layout like this from ~30 years ago wouldn’t scare me in the slightest. The two tone....??? You don’t like??? Bitch please....It’s a vehicle color on a $2000 car. If you are shopping around for a car with 2

Can I say it?

This is so incredibly satisfying.

These bother me even more because there is so much lighting real estate and almost all of it is unused. GMC and Tesla are big violators of this. LED taillight Silverados also.

We looked at a Telluride 2 weeks ago. The dealer wouldn’t knock anything off MSRP. So no markup, but no discount either. And their attitude was “if you don’t but it, someone else will”. So we moved on.

Even crazier that people had markups on PT Cruisers. I hope you at least bought something like a Grand Prix GTP.

This has been JC Penney’s business model for decades. $45 Polo shirts “on sale” for $11. Nobody in the history of clothing has ever paid $45 for one of those shirts. But they are perfectly decent $11 shirts. when they tried to align MSRP with their actual selling prices, their sales tanked because they have trained the

Many years ago I purchased a beetle TDI - the most basic version (cloth seats and power nothing). When I went to change the brakes I noticed I was missing a wheel bolt (VWs use bolts instead of nuts on studs).

It’s not the fault of the semi decorative DRLs. It’s the always illuminated dashboards that make most people forget to turn on anything. DRLs and areas with lots of street lights helps make the illusion more convincing.

Its a crazy con. And like you mentioned its almost always done on base or mid level models that they end up charging the same or more for than the top trims of the same models. And when customers are smart enough to know and tell the dealers “Either take the crap off or no deal”, dealers will (so I’ve heard) straight

Sounds like a pescy swap, wetter or not you’re considering an LS.

If this was on of of the more delicate modern LR’s it would be obvious: they break fast. But on these old beasts ... probably no so much.