
I must be dumb when it comes to YouTube these days, where are those English captions you speak of? I can stumble my way through recognizing every 5th word (would be tenth but you know how Germans love their combined words!), but I was hoping to have the translation to accompany the video. Oh well, I’ll still enjoy the

Nailed it!

Doesn’t quite count since the car was a rental, but we take Lacie everywhere we go, including vacations, and loves car rides! She volunteered to drive the day we drove down the Monterey Bay coast from Santa Cruz to Carmel.

I’m pretty sure everyone can agree Toyota, Honda, and Nissan will remain. It’s just a matter of how to divy up the others...

My suggestion probably won’t get much traction, but here goes anyway: a super crappy old Winnebago. As a DD car. In Philly. It might be too much like the hummer with the parking problems, but it might also provide for some sort of fun shenanigans when it breaks down on the freeway and ties up traffic for hours!

I see too much lexus in the headlight area creases. and that is a bad thing. creases just for creases sake = boring.

Suggested edit: Change the picture to Prius v. The Toyota recall is for Prius v (alpha) models, at least in the US.

This Alfa interior >>> BMW interior. either integrate that screen with the dash, as Alfa has, or allow it to go away (a la Audi). And definitely DO NOT make it look like a tacked-on iPad (looking at you MB)!

Here’s where I think VAG should take a page out of GM’s Buick playbook for the US market. Switch out all VWs for SEATs, slap the VW badge back on, and Voila! you’ve just turned around the terrible sales. The front clip is lightyears better than the VW clip we get on this side of the pond. Plus, they’d be making

Just got a 200 limited for my wife two weeks ago, so I’ve done my part to help, ha. Seriously though I really like the 200 design. The 300 I don’t care for at all.

In college I had found out about a student discount oil change at the Big O Tires in my college town, and had gone there several times with my Aveo, with no problems, and only $13 lighter after tax for oil & a filter. When it came time for my wife’s (then fiancee) Prius to get an oil change, I stupidly thought that

I did that with our Prius V three years ago. Got 2.4% financing for 72 months, can't complain. I figured out what the payment would be at the 60 month rate, then paid the difference most of the time. Things did get a little tighter when my wife needed to quit her job, so we were able to just stop paying the extra.

call me crazy but that actually looks halfway decent!

Ugh. I feel like I wasted $90 when I bought my HIDs from xenonsupply.com in July. Paid $120 with shipping for my kit. That being said, I love having the more intense light, especially since my morning commute starts at 4:30am every day. I will say that I am strongly against HIDs in vehicles without projector lenses.

I've seen some pretty decent examples in the 3-4k range with just under or just over 100k on the odometer. Will probably wind up buying one once my wife goes back to work for my 80mi/day commute. I'd like an accord, but they seem to run at least $1500-2000 more than the ford/merc midsizers. In the meantime, I'm

There are different levels of certification, but nowadays the threshold for most airliners to be ETOPS certified is 3 hrs/180 mins. The are certifications for longer over water intervals, but that requires more stringent standards adherence.

I too loathe Alcantara. I honestly don't understand why it's the "in" fabric. Leather is classic and will wear so much more gracefully.

They will be soon enough...

My mom did this with me when I was a kid in the mid 90s. We didn't have a lot of money, and my dad worked two jobs just to make ends meet, but I was interested in cars from a very early age and my parents did everything they could to foster my interests.

The TL's marker lights are a direct design cue from the 3rd gen Ford Econoline. Way more stylish, of course, but whenever I see them I instantly think Econoline. Example: