

Let's remember people, this is a culture where someone ran over a toddler and dozens of people stepped OVER the bleeding dying child without a second glance.

Hell, just the labor bill for the show was probably over $30K.

Because an F-22 can go places and kill targets alone, due to stealth, that it would take a squadron of F-15s to pull off. In early wargame exercises, a single F-22 went up against four F-15s driven by Red Flag level pilots. All four F-15s were dead before they even knew the Raptor was on the field.

They are executives of a publicly held company, so the shareholders in the company DO have the right to question how the execs are being compensated. Increasingly in corporate America, the greed of the executives has lead to insane compensation packages for mediocre performance and golden parachutes in the tens of

The whole time his body language and facial expressions are screaming "If I F this up I'm going to die. If I F this up I'm going to die. Holy S$#T did you see the size of that monster that just crashed behind me? Dontscrewup dontscrewup dontscrewup..."

They have fallen back and are punting now. Basically they are giving out IOUs and assurances that you have a phone reserved, and that you can return "Later" to enter your info and confirm eligibility. i will believe it when I see it.

AT&T has given up and shut down ordering on the Apple store.

10 minutes in and AT&T is standing on it's dong again. Way to go, AT&T.

Look at the picture again, Picard. As you can clearly see, there are only three turboprops....

You are a scumbag piece of shit. Please die in a fire.

Well, all he's really selling is confirmation of what nuclear tech China has stolen from the West and put to use, so is it really selling secrets?

You never backed away from anything before in your life you bitch! Now FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Sorry folks, but they will take out all the glass before they blow her up.

Yeah, straight to the nuclear option huh?

First off, it's accessory to murder, not murder and secondly, she BAITED THE VICTIM TO THE LOCATION OF THE KILLING. Whether she knew what she was involved in or not, her actions led an innocent man into an ambush where he was murdered.

Hopefully the female who faked the video has been arrested and is facing accessory murder charges.

For cripes sake the alien weapons that stick in the side of the ship are the same shape as the pegs in the game.

If jets attempted to get close enough to target a specific area on the ship (as opposed to launching a vampire from 100+ miles away) they would be toast. If the Standards on the Aegis cruisers didn't wipe them out, the BARCAP would.