
The should be edgy. Flash is a huge, bloated, buggy mess that has to be patched every 3 days to fix the security holes and whatever the patch from three days ago broke. Just because everyone drinks the kool-aid doesn't mean the product isn't crap.

Well, the Kessel run is 18 parsecs.


What is that guy shouting in the background? I think it's "Oh God! Jersey Shore just went off the air!"

Those who can, judge.

They are proven to be carcinogenic.

If you are in public, suck it up crybaby. Are you next going to insist that I cannot look at you, your companions or your luggage?

This is a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

Every time Apple sits down it leaves $150 million in the seat cushions....

Engine exhaust, gasoline.

Well, unless you are a total DB, you're going to tip the bellman at least a buck a bag anyway, right? So an extra buck to have it locked out of reach of human hands (unlike every other hotel baggage check in the world) and you get a little show to boot? Bring it on.

One day you are going to wake up and there will be a notice in your mailbox from your cable co. saying that starting the next month you will have to pay $10.00 to tune in to CBN.

What's the matter with you

The author of this terrible opinion piece should never be allowed to write again. Ever.

@MacTodd: and a handful of valium, you know, for crunch.

<——— Prepares to buy Apple stock at a 20% discount.

@Super_Pickle: Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?

@AliHajiSheik: No you are right. Let's cut his hands off. Much more humane.

@Sprzout:"I get that people are saying the security's ineffective, and that it's a violation of privacy. Fine. You can argue the fine points, but get out of line so those of us who want to live on our knees like sheep can make our flights!"