
Because you have to hire a Sherpa with a mule to haul the Dell XPS around with you.

What's that officer? Radioactivity? Why yes, I have a Doctor's note...

Welcome to Darwin's. How many in your party?

Flash memory (On which the Nano is based) is not sensitive to magnetic fields.

You need to clarify your terminology a little bit.

So how much are you getting paid to shill for expertflyer? It's SOOO wonderful! It has SUCH great info! Oh did I forget to mention you have to PAY for it? oops.

Can't tell if troll or just obstinately stupid.

Maybe it's in there.

Don't Shoot

"but the nail complicated performing CPR" Like, every time you compress the chest you are stabbing the nail into the heart complicated.

Wow, really? Fake fake fakeity fake fake fake.

Nothing an Anti-Materiel rifle and a 100 Guns skill can't fix.

Sure, it's correct. And totally unique. Irregardless of what others say.

Would that be Rube Goldberg?

Not sure if troll or just obstinately stupid.

I WILL be that guy and say that your point is poorly made at best. The primary measure of a round's efficiency is it's "Muzzle Velocity" or speed as it exits the end of the barrel. This in conjunction with the weight of the particular bullet loaded in said round (100 grain? 120 grain?) determines how much kinetic

from Wikipedia:

Sorry, you do not have enough Reading skill to use this item. This item requires a reading skill of 5.

You see this Happy Meal? This Happy Meal is worth more than you make in year!

Dunno, might go pretty good with bacon. Greens and bacon were made for each other....