
Well as far as an accident, it’s mostly surrounded by the carbon fiber driver cell, I don’t know what they call it lol. So if you get in an accident hard enough to damage the pack, it catching fire is the least of your problems lol. Also that diagram makes it look larger than it is, this is a still from that guy in

Oooo that does not look safe at all from the diagram. better hope that pack won’t rupture in an accident or you’ll get a different kind of pork back lol. They really couldn’t have put that pack under the car, stretched out?

That’s why mechanic’s hate engineers lol. From a weight balance and safety viewpoint having it where it is makes a lot of sense, from a serviceability viewpoint it’s dumb AF. But also when you look at the size, there really isn’t anywhere else to stick it.  And frankly a LOT of super cars are like that.  To get the

I would have paid them a million more to not make it such a pain to service in the first place lol.

LOL, shit I got that in my couch cushions. On on the P1 battery if my memory serves be its located behind the passenger cell between it and the engine. so swapping it is, I believe, a full engine out, and might even involves removing the entire rear subframe. So I suspect a HUGE part of that cost is just labor. I also

I’m just mad 60K$ to me isn’t pennies on the dollar like to the mega rich =(

Maybe so, but for one they were VERY hard to come by, they didn’t exactly make a ton of P1's, and also getting to it, is let’s just say difficult. You can watch one of the early video’s from Tavarish’s YouTube channel, and see when they removed it. Companies like McLaren and Bugatti don’t think about servicing their

What are they using for batteries, Lithium Titanate? and the thing doesn’t even use it to drive on EV on it’s own. Unless they have to fly a tech out there to do the swap and they are rolling that to the customer...I think that’s the real reason.

I’m sure the lack of volume isn’t helping for Ferrari, but $7500 is more than the production cost of a standard Mustang Mach-e battery. Most of these EVs are designed for pretty quick battery replacements. Book time for a Bolt, I believe, is something like 4.5 hours.

But when you’re talking a class of vehicle where oil

I mean maybe, but it also depends on what they cost to swap without the warranty. I mean replacing the P1 battery, not apples to apple obviously, but that costs $160k. The annual subscription is expensive, but I also suspect thats probably less or about what insurance for one of those Ferrari’s would cost. And at the

Are you kidding? If you don’t have the “subscription”, it will be $150K.

Also the interest Ferrari gets on the earlier installments rather than a flat $60k.

60K$ for some batteries just after 8 years? That seems too much, but I guess true cost of the batteries themselves is like 20K$, 20K$ for the installation and 20K$ for the badge.

I agree that both things can be true. However, one issue is much larger than all of the rest, and written about far, far, far less. Not just here. I have my theories on why, but you can look at the comments to see that a significant vocal portion of the readership loathes anybody for driving a very common set of


what is with the gendarmerie siren? is it to alert people of the near silent truck approaching?

Great article. Please apply the lessons learned here onto the years and years of Jalopnik writers consumer-shaming for energy consumption and climate change. The US military alone puts out more carbon than all of us driving combined one hundred fold. Much less these criminal companies selling themselves as “green”

I know Boeing is like this, and I’m sure airbus has some skeletons as well, that’s why from now on I’m only flying via butterfly, 100,000,000 butterflies attached with thread woven together at the bottom into a hammock.


It should have, because it’s wrong. The Niro EV is over 3700lbs.