Auxy Phloxy

Bluuuuuuuh. Hard to get excited about this. Pokemon with couch co-op sounds incredible, but with Pokemon Go capture mechanics? I’m skeptical, but I won’t dismiss it just yet.

Meanwhile, I’m doomed to end up meeting a steady-stream of Men’s Right Activists via online dating, and having to decide whether it’s better than being single!

God, I just read the thread about his passing and we all thought that was the worst 2016 could do.

The thing that gets me the most about those people is that they are usually the same people arguing that “MY FAVORITE STREAMER SAID THE N-WORD ONCE, AND APOLOGIZED, ALL IS WELL GET OVER IT!!”

RIP Totalbiscuit.

Fuck cancer.

Is Kilauea about to go Super Saiyan on us? I need to know since I’ll be in Maui in a little less than a month to celebrate my daughter’s college graduation.

This doesn’t just impact PP. Your rural gynocologist might accept Title X patients, and now you, upper middle class white woman, can no longer get referrals for abortion.  

CONFIRMED: Zanarkand is Las Vegas.

Stupid hackers. Gay porn is for disrupting Republican debates.

Even a slight uptick in the already-growing popularity of raw milk is likely to cause a lot more illness, they further found.

Now playing

Glad to see the comments boosting Meet the Feebles in here. Though in truth I’ve never actually finished it, because when I sat down with a group of friends to watch it, they made me turn it off after about 15 minutes.

Now playing

Oh wow, edgy muppets! No one’s ever done that before!

Just saw this in front of Deadpool 2 last night. The audience was quiet and puzzled until the final over the top, uh, sexual release gag involving sillystring. Then the teens in the audience started laughing. I was left wondering who has dirt on Melissa McCarthy, or if she’s jumping on the Cage train early in her

Henson wasn’t taken from us, he was an arrogant idiot like Steve jobs who went to the doctor too late and died.

I was really expecting that video to be lame; but the syncing was amazing. I think I’ve officially now seen everything I’ve ever wanted to see on the internet. Thank you!!!

I’m really not sure how I feel about it, also not particularly sure how indicative this really is of what Matt Vogel will ultimately do with the role. It’s so short, I’m still trying to figure out what to make of it.

Trying to reconcile these two statements, made back to back in the video.