Auxy Phloxy

This Article is not correct. The licensing was not stopped because mp3 is obsolete (although it might well be), but simply because all patents on the codec have expired. Since no one owns the rights to mp3 now no one can license it.

Pffftttt. I didn’t spend countless days pirating music on dial-up Internet only to have some fancy “Institute” tell me my favourite file extension is dead.


It’s alarming that anyone thought it was anything else. See the ventral striations in the thumbnail for the video? It’s a dead-giveaway.

Thanks for reporting this.

I would have beat that cow too, if the village witch hadnt enchanted me...

Those ridges in the last video preview pic are a dead giveaway.

However, I feel as though, on the whole, it’s exactly the opposite, i.e., the human race is quite stupid.

Here’s a question I grapple with, though. By all accounts, humans in general should be smarter on average than at most any other time in human history. We have compulsory education. We have higher education. We have better access to food and medicine, etc.

Same way people can dispute the spherical nature of the planet or plate tectonics. People are really fucking stupid.

That is very clearly a rotting whale. How can anyone dispute that?

And here’s a shot of the control panel...

Ugh these whipper snappers who think selfies are a “trend”

The most important lesson I got out of a Jesuit high school was much like this:

Needs more hussars

When You Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word, You Turn The Word “polish” Into Polish. This Theme Park Is Not In Poland. It Has Not Been Polished.

An addendum to #2: Here in Alabama we appoint lawyers to fetuses in certain situations. Youre reading that correctly. If a minor seeks an abortion in this state they need permission from their parents or a judge, including in rape situations where one of the minors parents is her rapist. If a judge chooses to oppose