Auxy Phloxy

Castaspella was one of the coolest toys, though. She had a holographic-sticker’d disk behind her that hooked on to her back and you could spin it around. Being 3 years old at the time I thought it was the coolest thing ever (Frosta 4 evar - My sis and I totally had “Bow’s” light blue horse “Arrow” and gave it to

>.> sorry to be that person but...

Get better soon, it seems like a long recovery but you can make it through! You’ve got family, friends and us internet people rooting for you. Honestly you’re literally the only reason I visit Kotaku anymore, your articles and videos are always insightful and charming - take care of yourself bud! We miss you!

I don’t normally feed the trolls, but...

Ashley Stewart - Bras! Not sure if anyone’s mentioned this but Ashley Stewart has some great supportive bras too - and some on-trend bralettes for those slightly less endowed - I can wear their 4x bralette.

This is the exact comment I found on a fake post under my name - EXACTLY the same wording, completely different state (My name’s unique so it’s TOTALLY a fake one).

I found my name with a fake comment. I’m literally the only person in this country with my name, so that’s a giant red flag. I also found my own comments - one from august when we first started this craziness, and one from november - craziness 2: electric boogaloo. Thanks so much for posting this!

Now playing

Sorry, if we can’t go all out like we could in LoTRO it’s not worth it. <3

I’ve always loved your articles, you’re a brilliant writer! Congratulations on your new job helping a wonderful organization!! <3 We’ll miss you, but heartened because we know you’ll be doing more good work!

It did something really weird for me just now. I am viewing this article on my desktop. I went to access facebook through my android (5.1) app to look at permission settings and literally top of my feed says ‘Would you like to review your privacy settings?’ and had that privacy review post that pops up occasionally.

You get a pass then, lol. I’ve found it in states from the west coast all the way through the midwest, but I did use their location finder for some big east coast cities and there weren’t many that had it (New England area is super Cubbinsons free) so I’m guessing they’re having a hard time distributing to certain

Recovery of an MMO Junkie - hands down best rec I’ve gotten in a long time. <3 <3 <3 Thank you thank you thank you <3 <3 <3 I must be their demographic, nostalgia through the roof. <3 <3 <3

The live video signing service is not just used for emergencies and it is provided for free to the patrons, as per FCC regulations for functional equivalence (as are the other types) and the funds provided by the American Disabilities Act and the FCC. The FCC subcontracts various companies across the nation for these

My parents used this strategy with my sister and I growing up in the 80s and 90s. It did work, for the most part. In fact, I still do it unconsciously and my fiance wonders why I have him choose which serving “Why does it matter? You always make them the same, so it doesn’t matter.”

My parents are both heavy smokers, smoked in the car and gave me their car when they purchased a new one. What I did was febreeze everything, including the ceiling liner of the car, wipe down every surface with first a clorox wipe and then an armorall wipe (it’s pleather/plastic - if you have actual leather, use those

I totally agree with your assessment! Jason Isaacs will probably be only on the periphery and utilized for his amazing scene stealing and delivery of quips - or at least I hope so. He’s best in small doses and lends a lot of weight or humor or both to anything he’s in - regardless of if it’s a villain or a hero. They

That’s why I’m an Atheist, I completely agree, but as a religion... if you’re looking to lean towards one sky god or another, at least this one lets you pick and on the surface is pretty innocuous (see other comment below).

I completely agree. A lot more outreach needs to happen and a lot less olds with race problems.