Auxy Phloxy

Palmer helped fund the trump campaign.

I think you’re confusing the issue, first of all, I said nothing about silicon valley. Didn’t refer to it, talk about it, commend it or otherwise. You seem to be replying to a non-existent comment you’ve made up in your head. Secondly, I also don’t give even half a shit what you have to say moving forward, so, thanks

Hahaha! Look how funny and normal he is! You could almost forget him secretly funding Trump support and far right efforts online! Because, he likes video games!


This should go without saying but live on less than you make. Credit is not free money, you save a lot of money by saving up and paying cash for things instead of financing.

It’s easy to trash Melanie and say she asked for all this by being a social climber or “she knew what she was getting into” but histrionic people like Trump are masters of selling themselves as being saints (look at his base) .i actually have enormous sympathy for her. It’s clear she is disgusted by her husbands

Suddenly I’m all in!

Tons of nudity, especially notable for male nudity.

I don’t agree regarding the writing. I don’t assume that Anansi is speaking to the slaves in English. I don’t assume he is speaking. He’s a shape-shifting god with whom the slaves are linked on a primal level, just as is the case for the Vikings with Odin. And, although I haven’t seen the full scene yet, it appears

1. If he’s a god, then he’s speaking to them in a tongue they understand. It’s the many faces of god theory. Where when a god speaks we understand them because they speak a universal language that transcends our limited understanding.

Obviously at least one of them understands. The angry one. But the thing with the gods in this story is, they appear differently to different people. What they look and sound like depends on the beholder. In the book, they probably had this as a page or two of text, but here they made it essentially a dramatic

I suspect that the anachronisms in the speech and dress have to do with the way that this will, eventually, be presented. It could even be Mr. Nancy’s retelling of the story he was telling, in a way meant to show off to someone. Anansi isn’t always above embellishing tales of his own exploits.

On the contrary thats exactly why its good writing. If it had been in language the characters understood but not the audience.....that would be terrible writing.

But how do you know they’re not understanding it? To write and speak it in a way that the people on the ship would understand would leave the audience not understanding it. I would assume that he is speaking it to them in a way they can understand and a way that we would understand in modern words. He is a god

He’s not talking to them in a modern tongue. He’s talking to the audience in a modern tongue. He’s a storyteller. He modifies his story to whomever he is telling it to.

I took it as us understanding what he was saying to them in their own tongue. We heard “police shooting” they heard “guards or militia killing.”

Orlando Jones is always a treat to see on screen. Definitely a great choice for Mr. Nancy. That scene is just so fucking well done.

I thought the same. The motions on the movements are fluid as fuck.

Men refusing to handle emotions like adults is most of political history, actually.

“Obviously, I’ve done a lot of soul searching over the past few months and I’ve come to a conclusion: I’ve realized that I’m really, really important.”