Auxy Phloxy

Ann Rice originally envisioned dutch guy Rutger Hauer as Lestat in the original novel.

Margaret Atwood claims that all the “nuts and raisins” of awfulness in The Handmaid’s Tale happened in history at some point.

“Myers’ team found evidence of links to depression and dysphoria (general dissatisfaction with life)“

My husband refuses to watch because he knows how painful it is and how seriously I take it. He actually admitted he couldn’t handle watching women being treated like that because it’s so close to becoming reality.

I respect that he doesn’t want to watch it, but I have left the book out on the table though- to tempt him

I’m really lucky my boyfriend both read “A Handmaid’s Tale” in a college course before I met him, that he is a Poly Sci major who understood what it was saying, what it was referencing, the actual source of Margaret Atwood’s politics and fears behind the curtain, why it is right, and that he “likes” the book. (I.E. no

Did you explain to him that everything that is done to the Handmaids in the story has actually been done to women at some point in history, somewhere in the world?

UU is hella problematic when it comes to race.

It’s a lot better than what EA or Ubisoft puts out for Tetris.

Unitarianism is very much explore mythos and find what suits you.

It might sound strange but a story mode is something I’ve always wanted in a Tetris game. And it’s pretty funny too. I’m already wanting Ringo and Tee to form a Social Link.

XSEED (sans Lipschultz) e-mailed Acquire asking what originally inspired the sign. Ken Berry, XSEED’s executive vice president, helped explain what the letters meant in the U.S. “Acquire immediately responded that they had no idea the sign could be taken that way in English,” Berry told me in an e-mail.

This sounds less like censorship and more like a translator taking liberties that he happens to find funny. And then getting upset when other people didn’t agree with him.

The Satanic Temple and Unitarianism seem pretty OK to me.

Somebody’s marketing director checked the ratings demographics and changed course really damn quick.

a deeply problematic religion

Yup. They are sex/reproduction slaves.

“I don’t feel like it’s a male or female story; it’s a survival story.” 

Since I find all religion to be basically a bad idea, I just ignore the faith of any and every actor. But then, I tend to not care about their personal lives at all, anyway.


Go science.We can discuss the facts as adults, and figure out what is right and what is wrong.