Auxy Phloxy

YES. It’s the A+ character design + Brian Bedford’s goddamn voice. Bless the Internet for allowing me to learn later in life how Not Alone I have always been in this.

Directions not clear. Arrow in dick. On my way to hospital.

I’m 43 and until a few years ago I had zero idea just how many women of my generation were into Fox Robin Hood. It’s a little hilarious.

Compared to Robin Hood? Yes.

This movie is responsible for so many Furries.

His voice was pure sex.

Robin Hood was my first cartoon crush. That was one foxy fox.

His impeachment will get very high ratings.

He already knows. He publicly said that terrorism was good for that fascist french lady.

It’s the highest for “Face the Nation” or as I call it, “Deface the Nation.

Please don’t give him any ideas about how to increase his ratings.

I wonder if it was an uncorrected voice to text translation error.

Thinking of the children will get you 10 years in prison.

But remember, leftist “SJWs” are the biggest source of censorship, not conservatives...

It’s calling it “Exclusive” that makes it so laughable.

Australia outlawed porn of women with small breasts as an effort to stop child pornography. Their lawmakers might be confused by porn in general and sensationalist news articles are probably in part to blame.

The longer they wait, the fewer people will remember whether they actually liked the first one and the more people will only remember it was the “Highest grossing film of all time, so it must have been amazing”.

I feel like it’s the Crysis of films. We assume in our memory that Crysis had the best graphics of all

Say what you will about Avatar, it’s probably not a great idea to bet against James Cameron. His last two films were both predicted to be disasters and they both became the highest grossing films of all time by huge margins. You may be as surprised by Avatar 2's success as you probably were when the first one

Don’t forget that during that 3D died a few years ago. It was the 1st movie to use 3D successfully, but no cares about 3D anymore.

And this is why Christianity is better than science. You don’t see Christians having to retract things like this. Science is always changing things. They’re never actually right.