Auxy Phloxy

For a $20 figure that is great looking Bowie. Getting that for sure.

Are you kidding me? They actually slept with each other?!?

Here is your big major SPOILER!

Although it would’ve meant jumping the shark into trope-ish territory...

I expected so much more of Bloomberg reporters the head of communication for Juicero

Conspiracy theories all point to Russia, another woman, AND campaign finance issues.

Maybe he finally looked his daughter in the eye, only to be overwhelmed by existential despair when he saw how ashamed she was of him.

BECAUSE IT LOADS BEFORE THE END OF THE COMMENT SECTION IS COMPLETELY VISIBLE. Apparently it’s not bad enough that I have to click a billion more buttons to make all the comments actually visible, but when older articles are auto-loading where the damn comments should be, that is HORRIBLE DESIGN.

“We Just Found Out This Blog Is Covered in Infinite Scrolling Pages”

It’s funny, because as a kid you remember it going on forever, but apparently it only ran two seasons, and that was split between one year (1987). I was looking it up earlier tonight and was shocked to find it was a originally a Spanish animated cartoon based on a Dutch children’s book. That is crazy to me. It

It’s almost as if he just views the law as a means to enacting his own vision how society should function and who should be allowed to participate in it .

Yes. So much to unpack.

It’s important to remind people that AG Sessions is a hardcore 80s drug warrior who’s always been highly critical of recent pot legalization by states. Given how brownshirty TSA became with the Muslim ban, nobody should be surprised if they start throwing the book at people carrying even a gram or two.

Got a sudden flashback to my early years at work when we were using OS/2 Warp and I cut this comic out of the paper...

*acknowleges this show is problematic AF*

In truth, being exposed to other religions may very well have the effect of showing you there’s not only one way to be spiritual, or that there’s no reason to be religious to be spiritual. Of course that’s dangerous to specific sects. I think she was right.

The only difference being that Chechnya has a Muslim majority doing this.

54% of people DID NOT vote for that. And 48% of those who voted voted for the progressive woman’s vision of the presidency. This dude got 46.1% of the vote.

True Republicans and sincere libertarians should be up in arms against this plan. Talk about Big Brother and Big Government!