Auxy Phloxy

Jesus, that animal hospital has a better (more comprehensive AND clearer) CCTV security system than most banks. I’m impressed.

It’s the “his own people” that’s most telling. At a subconscious, gut-belief level, Spicer doesn’t consider Jewish Germans and Austrians to be Germans and Austrians, i.e. Hitler’s people. He considers them wholly Other in a way that is analogous to Hitler’s own Othering of Jews, gays, Communists, dissenters, etc.

Green Tea Kit-Kats.

She actually speaks pretty decent German ( and gets the tonal inflection right, to the hilt )

Easy, dubs have better audio mixing. How often do you watch a movie and the dialogue is drowned out by the soundtrack, especially in recent years? And if you have actors like Vin Diesel who more growl than talk, giving even native speakers regularly trouble understanding them, dubbed over lines really improve a movie.

I always find it hilarious when chinese or korean restaurants have dishes like Spicy Pork & Tofu. We here in north america look at tofu very differently than those of south east Asia.

You don’t need to swap meat with tofu and vice versa. Have both!

Obviously rigged, Sombra hacked the results.

Side note: it really annoyed me when people referred to the Clintons as a “dynasty” during the election. Two politically ambitious people being married does not a dynasty make. They aren’t the fucking Kennedys.

Attendant has been notified to assist you.

China’s relationship with North Korea is exhibit A as to why nothing is done about the dictatorship.

North Korea is weird because, to me, the very existence of the country, it’s regime, and it’s horrors stands as testament to the complete and utter failures of the UN mission statement and shows the concern that the rest of the world actually has about stopping this.

Well the person inside the grocery self-checkout is a dick. Don’t let her bully you.


I see some errors in the cosplay. For instance, she’s holding the gun correctly.

Danuta Danielsson ftw

“Betsy” is cute for a little girl, but also respectable for a grown woman. Like, you can easily imagine Dr. Betsy Lastname, or Judge Betsy Lastname. Not so with lots of these youneeek names.

shut up! i thought i was the only little weirdo!! hi!