I’m sympathetic. I pay ungodly prices on ebay for Bath & Body Works Coconut Lime Verbena Foaming Hand Soap... the apex of all hand soap technology. At least the cock sauce people have hope - I have only mediocre substitutes to look forward to.
I’m sympathetic. I pay ungodly prices on ebay for Bath & Body Works Coconut Lime Verbena Foaming Hand Soap... the apex of all hand soap technology. At least the cock sauce people have hope - I have only mediocre substitutes to look forward to.
Yep, more or less creepy is the perfect way to put it.
I remember reading about the potential shortage, so I bought an extra bottle to hopefully tide me over. I’ve been out for nearly a year now. I broke down and bought the Trader Joe’s imitation but I haven’t tried it yet. Texas Pete make a cheap knock-off called Cha! which is like a milder in every way version that I’ve…
This shortage sucks. My local grocery stores have even removed the product from having a spot on the shelves and replaced it with some off brand crap. Even in the 2021 shortage, the stores just allowed the Huy Fong slot to stay empty until stocks came in. Now it’s like it will never exist again.
This is the same guy who made the very unknown Guardian of the Galaxy a household name. He also had a hand in b-list characters in The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker. If there’s any studio head who is willing to use lesser known characters in the DC Comics world, I imagine it would be him.
I want to see a Batman movie where he actually has difficulty solving a string of robberies performed by the Riddler. He always thinks he has the riddle figured out before the robbery but keeps getting it wrong.
When I heard Gunn was taking over I was hoping that he would do the JLI- Booster Gold/Blue Beatle Bwaah ha ha version of Justice League. That would have been right up his alley and after a couple movies they could have a recast Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman show up and kick out the B-team.
Interesting choice to relegate the mention of the writers’ strike to the fourth paragraph. Also: “If anyone could’ve shown up and stolen the entire show it was him.”
Mary, this is a ridiculous post. Unless you’re doing horror, and almost exclusively horror, no one is greenlighting non-IP movies of any notable scale (and most horror being made is on a very tight budget).
As long as the movies start with “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe,” rather than the reordered-to-help-a-grifter-leech-off-the-estate alleged first book “The Magician’s Nephew,” it’s all good.
(Seriously, the background of why all the Narnia book collections now begin with that book is maddening and depressing.)
We gotta save the record store from being taken over by corporate monstrosities, guys!
Who’s still attacking artists in good faith for “selling out”? What is this, 1995?
Oh for real, this Indie Cred thing is all bullshit. Christopher Nolan wasn’t called a sellout when he made his first Batman film. Now he has all the clout he needs to make the films he wants to make, let her have the same thing.
Right? One person’s selling out is somebody else’s working.
No one is attached to Narnia? Millions of people imagined the excitement of stumbling through a wardrobe during a game of hide and seek to find a fantastical land.
If she wants to and can make quality pictures with massive studio budgets, more power to her.
So it’s worth noting that this suspiciously coincides with the expiration of Twitter’s data being hosted on Google’s servers, since Elon decided to just not pay his bills anymore.