Corporate retail is a cancer. It’s not just gamestop. All retail employs similar tactics for various things. And then they wonder why they’re losing consumers to online shopping.
Corporate retail is a cancer. It’s not just gamestop. All retail employs similar tactics for various things. And then they wonder why they’re losing consumers to online shopping.
Well unfortunately the government isn’t going to fund the VA. It’s gone through conservative government and liberal government and it’s still an unfunded bad joke to everyone.
But numbers aren’t down. The military has plenty of people still on a waiting list to join up.
Sure. But that’s the politician’s will (both dem and repub) and not the people. Real people republicans are generally nicer to military.
This is probably one of the friendlier responses I’ve gotten from anyone here.
If I’ve learned anything from anime, it’s that a select few of these players are now trapped in that game world.
I dunno dude, that’s $15 you could be spending on pizza.
Well, correct or not, that’s not the point. It’s still personal criticism of the quality of people that join at best and downright insulting at worst. The argument isn’t why people join. The argument is why do republicans get to say they’re the most kind to the military. Because they don’t say shit like that.
The difference here is it’s the politicians that shit all over the troops. Republicans that aren’t politicians traditionally have a deep sentiment of respect for the military. You can probably make some points about how it’s nonsense to elect the people they do, but I doubt they’d be better off one way or another…
He probably doesn’t hate the troops. But the things he says lends to the perception that liberals disrespect and hate the troops. It’s very rare for right leaning people to voice disrespect to the military, even if their leaders are happy to go to war.
Taking orders from trump and the secretary of defense does not mean there will be a draft. A commissioned officer’s job isn’t just to take orders from someone higher on the totem pole.
Not a specific group, just general, very vocal sentiment from the left. A big chunk of democrats think everyone who joins the military are stupid by default. Including a former democrat presidential candidate.
Fortunately we have a bunch of good generals with a brain between their ears who won’t supply trump with archaic battle plans that involves giving a gun to every able bodied male aged 16-40 and telling them which direction to shoot.
Which orders?
Probably because a very vocal left leaning group hates the military and anyone who joins it, while the right traditionally respects anyone who joins. This very article is prefaced with an opinion that joining is dumb and that makes the people that join dumb.
Won’t happen. Thousands of green ground troops are not useful in today’s warfare.
Every game made by square after mario rpg.
So many low res textures makes it look so awful. Look at those vines hanging off the building. Foliage texture replacement would be a must.
But it was two syrian refugees who got to canada last week that did this.
Let’s not pretend anyone watches the today show in the first place.