
The unit quantity makes sense. Pokemon Go got a lot of people who forgot about pokemon back into it who might buy a new proper version of the game.

You almost had me. 6/10 troll.

That would be a new feature, which costs money to produce and test and is also risky in cert. Smearing out a vagina texture has virtually no submissions impact, cheap to test, and is much faster to do.

Pffffffft. Go have a look at deadspin and gizmodo. Sports and tech blogs filled to the brim with gawker articles from bloggers who can’t get a job anywhere else.

Maybe? You can’t trust polling since it gave us a 90% chance of a clinton victory. Polling also told us brexit wasn’t a thing before it happened. Certainly not a variance of more than 45/55 though.

You’ll only see everyone everywhere speaking out against him if you shelter yourself in liberal media. (Kotaku and co are some of the farthest left websites you can find.) For every person speaking out, there is another celebrating I assure you.

Because we got stuck with Hillary Clinton. She may wear blue, but she’s the embodiment of government corruption. There are as many reasons to hate what she is as there are Trump’s personality flaws. Clinton doesn’t inspire anyone to go out and vote. A vote for her is seen as a vote for status quo. Like Obama, Trump


Blame yourselves for choosing clinton instead of sanders. Clinton can’t shake off the perception that she is the embodiment of political corruption. Because she is. You want people to vote against trump. A lot of people wanted to vote against clinton. Some still wanted to vote against both because we had two piles of

Because it’s not wrong. Clinton is the embodiment of political corruption. Of course someone can come in with no political experience and have massive character flaws and still beat the political corruption that everyone is tired of. If dems didn’t cheat sanders out of the game, you’d probably be celebrating right

But there are more people of color than there are whites.

To be fair, one’s plot is the fan service and the other seems to just have some fan service sprinkled into the plot. I don’t think either one is deplorable though. Let people make what they want and let viewers watch what they want since it’s all cartoons anyways and don’t let Cecilia know that porn exists.

Fortunately most of us don’t become extremely depressed or have existential crises when we see animals fighting.

You’re mad at them for having fun? The mess will get cleaned up. Don’t worry. “White people are getting out of hand.” Really?

I like the animal crossing concept a lot, but I dislike the pacing and the town itself is always much smaller than it could be. It needs to have the ability to ‘sleep’ for X hours without needing to reset the time in the console/settings.

Maybe over 40 years. I don’t think the bank will give you so much time to pay that loan though.

Worry not. Global warming will ensure your roof never has snow on it by the time you’ve sold yours and the next three generation’s souls to afford a solar roof, battery, and electric car.

A lot of games have this. It pops in Madden a lot.

It’s not. It’s just white people being embarrassed about other white people having fun.

Well, it’s not. He would have to hate a race to be racist. Nothing about this shows that he hates anyone except maybe himself.