
Absolutely sickening that these women cave in to misogynistic Islamist pressure to cover their heads.

I’m digging the hell out of sign of the times. Liam, not so much. Iggy, just no. Is “it ain’t me” with Selena Gomez not a contender for song of the summer?! I love that song.

Just to be clear, what I’m hearing is that Mr. Steven van Zandt will be paid FIVE thousand more than Toni Morrison. For speaking engagements at a major university, the math is Stevie > Snooki > Toni Morrison... Sounds about right.

This child defied death in the womb!

“Your life’s happiness begins with you.”

Waiting for those assholes who were just sooo sure the cops were telling the truth, who claimed that OF COURSE these Black teenagers were drunk and breaking the law and tried to run the cops over. OF COURSE this cop wasn’t lying. If these kids weren’t doing anything wrong, they wouldn’t have been shot. Because the

When you start making statements like “women who choose to have sex need to face the consequences” you really have a problem with her behavior, you’re not trying to save babies. Why? Because the “exceptions for rape” argument is essentially saying some babies deserve to live some don’t, depends on how slutty the

I just don’t get people who don’t think abortion is a consequence. When those people spill milk on the floor, do they leave it til it molds? No, they clean it up. When they get diabetes, do they wait for gangrene to take their limbs? No, they take insulin. Abortion IS a consequence. Abortion is not fun. But it many

One criticism. “Joisey” is not a New Jersey accent. That’s Long Island. We say “wawk, “takw,” and “wooder,” but not “Joisey.”

I really liked this one, too:

An old classic:

Obama is writing a book. If that right there isn’t shade I don’t know what is.

These guys who seek “mail order brides” do so for a reason and it has nothing to do with love or altruism. There’s no shortage of women in their countries who are their equals in age, beauty, intelligence. They want someone out of their league who they can control. So let’s not pretend these femme fatales are taking

Oh yeah, just speaking in public right now is an act of shade throwing. Throw in the patented Obama subtweeting of his political opponents and Trump’s going to go ape shit for a few weeks.

Crap I just did make that comment before reading through. (Great minds!?)

Hold out hope for that legendary Obama shade!

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

I can’t believe Getting an A was a 14 seed. You know what kind of people read Jez? Nerds. We didn’t just love getting A’s, we LIVED FOR IT.

That sounds