
Well, Dr. Luke is getting what he wanted: to further destroy Kesha’s image and credibility. People are leaving horrible comments on Kesha’s instagram (with a lot of snake emojis). I understand it’s a delicate topic and it wasn’t her place to make another potential victim come forward, but she didn’t want these

I was about to get SO mad about her being considered a supporting actress and not lead actress (seriously... she has at least as much screen time as ERW and much more than Ed Harris who’s somehow nominated for lead), but if that’s what she wanted, then ok. I hope she wins. She deserves it.

Conservatives in October 2016: It’s just locker room talk!
Conservatives in April 2018: This lady comedian is so vulgar!

I’m far too lazy for work or sex, so it was an easy choice for me!

For a second I thought Lady Gaga was Kim Kardashian.

Sorry, I think I meant “affirmative” instead of “enthusiastic”. Meaning that an absence of a no does not mean the person is consenting.

I think this whole ordeal just really goes to show how much enthusiastic consent matters, and how it should never be assumed that you have consent by default. Grace did express her discomfort, and we can argue over whether it was explicit enough (I believe it was).... but even in the absence of a direct “no”, there

Thank you for this. I feel like the majority of people commenting have only decided to read select parts of the story that affirm their beliefs that this wasn’t creepy as fuck, predatory behavior. I keep seeing comments about how she only gave non-verbal clues, and how the fuck are men supposed to read minds? When she

I think I’m legit into Tahani!

Same here. After years of untreated depression, anxiety, and OCD, I finally started taking Lexapro (and Xanax as needed) and it saved me. Thank science for modern medicine!

I wish more people made this connection that yes, chemo is poison, but that’s the fucking point, to poison the cancer cells!

Is this the first time Jon has had PinV sex? If so, LOL @ losing your virginity to your aunt, buddy!

Is anyone else seeing Heather from Rock of Love? Anybody? Bueller?

It’s almost redundant when Rihanna does it, though. Do we all really need to be convinced that “sex with [her] so amazing”? Like, girl, we’ve seen you. There aren’t any doubts.

Maybe Mary Lee the shark will pay him a visit and have a nice meal.

It’s on the list of Jezebel’s songs of the summer article posted recently! That song is so damn catchy.

They don’t even read the names! They flash the names on the jumbotron throughout the ceremony which is literally just speakers for 2 hours.

Don’t worry, Snooki wasn’t a commencement speaker. She spoke at an event promoting her book or something on a weekday.

It does, but typically people who smoke weed only take a few puffs whereas cigarette smokers take much more than that, so it’s not doing as much damage.