
all at once.

did I do something good? was I a good girl? did santa finally get my letter? did Satan get my soul-selling request?

I can’t believe 2016 is a real year that we’re all living through.

But is this serious? Or is this satire? When did Jezebel start doing oral history reviews?? You know, if you think about it, isn’t it sexist to save the women and children first?

Republican men don’t think women face obstacles because THEY ARE THE OBSTACLE.

The headline is a bit misleading. You should definitely experience living on your own in between living with roommates and living with a significant other.

Babe that’s called “argument from etymology” and it’s a linguistic fallacy. What the word USED to mean isn’t really relevant compared to what it does mean. At best ur arguing for a vague and arbitrary linguistic trend being prioritised over concrete inclusiveness - at worst you're ignoring that the historical use was

There are so so many of them, and they only have five responses. I also find it HI-larious how many of them are citing how the term “mankind” has been applied to men AND women as proof that the term mankind is gender neutral, and not evidence that language 1) matters and 2) has historically been used in sexist ways to

Okay so one, this article is sarcastic. But two, there’s an issue with “man” being gender-neutral and specific, because it can enforce this idea that maleness is the default, normal type of human and femaleness is some extra flavor layer on top of that. Which is part of why it can seem to some people like a scenario

I’m going to guess you’re a linguist, which is very cool. Your explanation is interesting and informative, but very wide of the point. In modern English the word does retain its meaning of “human”, but in everyday life is used primarily to mean “male person”. That’s why titles such as “fireman” were changed. Technicall

all i’m reading rn is penis penis penis penis penis penis

Because the sky belongs to a woman, obviously. It’s No Man’s Sky. Women are still eligible for sky ownership.

damnit i love reductress.

Those poor innocent accused. Those women have so much to gain by accusing some layabout college slacker! And all they have to endure is a rape kit and not being believed by pretty much everyone on Earth!

Now playing

She is a delight. Everyone should watch this interview:

Not this Jezebel commenter. I said that opposite and got attacked by multiple, “but the Police haven’t said who the shooter was! It might’ve been the wife! You’re being unfair/sexist to men!” posts, even after I posted how statistically common it was for MEN to be family annihilators. So opposite-world, baby. There

I just think that is pretty paternalistic. Why assume that no woman can make her own decision to wear a hijab? There is definitely societal pressure to wear a hijab, but women also face societal pressure to wear makeup and shave their armpits and very few people are acting like I am super oppressed because remove my

Nope, you rinse/soak them, machine wash them on the gentle cycle, and use again.

To that lady behind them with the net:

I’d ask you to explain it to us, but I doubt our lady brains could handle it.

I don’t know who killed this family (mom or dad), but I can speak to the UNBELIEVABLE stress that a serious, long term illness can bring to the family. Unless you have been through it it is impossible to verbalize the effects.